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Angular Rent Car + Headless CMS themes template Content Docs
All in one angular technolog set for your car website project
npm install -g @angular/cli
npm install
ng serve
npx decap-server
After you have run your project, you need to run headless cms server , run this command npx decap-server
, Next Login in to your backend cms localhost:4200/admin/index.html
Next we need to configure your site, access in to dashboard backend admin localhost:4200/admin/index.html
, and select Configuration menu - now you can update setup your website. Insert your favion , url ,twitter , facebook for your SEO metatag, open graph and twitter card.
Update your booking form in to form area, Don't forget to add your email too.
For save you can press publish in header publish button - publish now.
To update nav menu, you can open on nav menu, and update nav name url link and others. To add new you can press add new nav menu button, and input your nav name and url link.
For save you can press publish in header publish button - publish now.
To update footer menu, you can access in to footer menu - and update footer nav, logo, and contact.
For save you can press publish in header publish button - publish now.
After you have setup your site, and configure footer, nav menu, now you can update article.
Access in to dashboard headless cms angular car area.
After you have update your site, now you can make your site live, to do this you need to follow this step.
Now you need to update your backend cms configuration, to make your headless cms live too.
Open on your angular car source code project src/admin/config.yml
and now we need to change from this code
local_backend: true
name: git-gateway
# repo: githubuser/repo
# branch: main
to be
name: git-gateway
repo: githubuser/repo
branch: main
change githubuser
with your github account name , and change repo
with your project repo. and save it.
Ok, now you can login in to github,create new repo, and push or upload your project in to your repo.
Next you can login in to netlify with your github account, and create new project, select github - and select your repo project - select angular as web tech and click deploy.
Now you can access on netlify identity, and activate gitgateway, and setup your register details, you can select github and google account. And change from open to be invite only. and save it.
Open in to your netlify project account,and you can add your domain , and use your netlify project.
Congratulation, now your angular car website app themes is live !!
Next step you need to activate your online booking system ,for first make sure you have setup your email for booking form in the configuration - email
, access on yourfrontendsite/car select one car, and input in the booking form,and click book now button.
Now you can open your email, and you will received new email, and click activate, to activate your booking form system.
We hope with this source code you can build modern website blog for your project.
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Select your favorite technology and website blog themes template