JAMSTACK Company Profile website themes template

Premium JAMSTACK Company portfolio bussiness website themes template.

Premium JAMSTACK Company portfolio bussiness website themes template.


  • Node JS
  • Js Lang
  • SEO Focus
  • Landing Page
  • Eleventy 11ty
  • Static Site Generator
  • 14 + Design
  • Widget Ready
  • Complete Features
  • Headless CMS Tina Cloud
  • All host support for frontend
  • Tina Cloud Host Support Netlify and Vercel

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themestemplate website themes website template blog themes blog template landing page jamstack themes jamstack template company bussiness eleventy 11ty template eleventythemes premiumthemes

Company Profile Site Features # .

If you need to build and develop a company profile website or business portfolio, then using this project is the right choice for you.

  • Built using 11ty aka eleventy JAMSTACK Static Site Generator which is very stable and fast.

  • Already equipped with a modern Headless CMS that makes it easy for you to update via local or cloud.

  • Already injected auto SEO script, which will automatically follow the title and description to generate metatags, twitter cards, and open graph

  • Many design options.

  • Static pages for contact, about, privacy policy and others.

  • Dynamic pages for product and service areas and blogs.

  • Tag List page.

  • Tag Detail page.

  • Product and service list page to display all the products and services you provide.

  • Detailed product and service pages with 5 themes, which you can choose according to your needs.

  • Blog List page to display a list of blogs.

  • Post article page to display detailed information about your blog posts.

  • Mobile and desktop image loader.

  • Programmatic Project, you don't need to hardcode for design and content changes, everything is ready in the content management system.

  • Project usage documentation.

  • Help and Support if you need our help.

  • Equipped with a Contact Form that is directly forwarded to your email.

  • Widget areas that can be easily customized, to be displayed or hidden in each area.

  • And much more.

Start using captaline themes now, to help develop your company profile site project.

Documentation # .

How to install and work with JAMSTACK Company Profile Bussiness Portfolio website Themes project.

Local Installation # .

  • Download and install Node JS on your devices
  • Download Source Code Project
  • Create New folder on desktop name it with your project.
  • Extract source code files in to your project
  • Access with terminal run 'cd C:\Users\pcname\Desktop\yourproject' change pcname with your pc name and change yourproject with your new project.
  • Run Installation with Terminal npm install && npm start
  • Frontend: Open localhost:8080
  • Backend: Open localhost:8080/admin
  • For stop , you can presh ctrl+C

Work with Eleventy 11ty themes template # .

  • Login on cms access on localhost:8080/admin
  • Setup Your site ,for first you can setup your site by accessing configuration menu
  • To Update home page you can access on home page menu
  • Access on About Page if you want to update about page
  • Services list setup for update your title, description for SEO Services list needs
  • You can use Service 1 menu if you want write service 1 design for your product and services, you can create new article by pressing + button.
  • You can use Service 2 menu if you want write service 2 design for your product and services, you can create new article by pressing + button.
  • You can use Service 3 menu if you want write service 3 design for your product and services, you can create new article by pressing + button.
  • You can use Service 4 menu if you want write service 4 design for your product and services, you can create new article by pressing + button.
  • You can use Service 5 menu if you want write service 5 design for your product and services, you can create new article by pressing + button.
  • Blog list setup for update your title, description for SEO Blog list needs
  • Blog Post , you can write or update article on this area, you can create new article by pressing + button.
  • Contact Page to update your contact information
  • Static Page , you can create new or update static page on this area, such about, privacy policy and others.
  • Media Manager, You can upload your media file on this area, such pdf, image and others.

Work With Tina Cloud # .

If you want work with tina cloud or develop your backend , you can register and create new account with your github account on tina cloud, after that you can create new project - and select your repo - insert your url domain.

Next step copy Client ID and Token.

Back in to your project, open source code project /tina/config.ts

Paste your client id and token in to this area

export default defineConfig({
  clientId: 'paste your client id in here...',
  token: 'paste token here...',

Push On Github # .

  • Create account on github
  • Create new repo and name it with your project
  • Visit your github repo and copy paste all command on your project folder in to your terminal.
  • run this command git init && git add . && git commit -m "my first commit" && git remote add origin https://github.com/username/myrepo git push -u origin main need to change username with your github username , and myrepo with your repo project name , and main with your github repo default branch for example main or master - check on your github repo.

Make your website online # .

  • You can use neltify , vercel for deploy your company jamstack site eleventy website project - recommended.
  • Create account with your github account on vercel ,netlify , then create new project on vercel / netlify.
  • After you have create new project now you can integration your github repo, select your repo project, and select eleventy framework , then click deploy.
  • Congratulations your Company bussiness portfolio JAMSTACK website is live now !!

Thank You by using JAMSTACK Company Profile Bussines Portfolio 11ty eleventy themes template project # .

We hope with this source code you can build modern website blog for your project.

Project # .

If you need develope custom website project, you can hire our team dev https://www.hockeycomputindo.com/en/jamstack/


Bootstrap JAMSTACK website themes template
