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LITOV Minimalist website themes template Content Docs
Create a modern minimalist site with litov.
Litov is a multipurpose jamstack theme built from 11ty eleventy static site generator for the best performance and SEO purposes.
Adopting a minimalist design with high functionality for various needs.
It's time to develop your site with the LITOV jamstack project.
Litov is a clean and minimalist modern Jamstack theme built with Eleventy, designed specifically for web developers who value speed and SEO. With its streamlined architecture, your site will load faster than ever, enhancing user experience and boosting your search engine rankings. What sets Litov apart is its seamless integration with Tina CMS, making content updates a breeze.
You can easily manage your site’s content without diving deep into code, saving you time and effort. Plus, the []minimalist themes design](/themes/eleventy/litov-jamstack-cms/) ensures that your content shines, without unnecessary distractions. Whether you’re building a portfolio, a blog, or a business site, Litov gives you the tools to create a stunning, high-performance website that’s easy to maintain. Embrace the future of web development with Litov and elevate your projects to the next level.
How to install and work with JAMSTACK Minimalist website Themes project.
npm install && npm start
If you want work with tina cloud or develop your backend , you can register and create new account with your github account on tina cloud,after that you can create new project - and select your repo - insert your url domain.
Next step copy Client ID and Token.
Back in to your project, open source code project /tina/config.ts
Paste your client id and token in to this area
export default defineConfig({
clientId: 'paste your client id in here...',
token: 'paste token here...',
git init && git add . && git commit -m "my first commit" && git remote add origin https://github.com/username/myrepo git push -u origin main
need to change username with your github username , and myrepo with your repo project name , and main with your github repo default branch for example main or master - check on your github repo.We hope with this source code you can build modern website blog for your project.
If you need develope custom website project, you can hire our team dev https://www.hockeycomputindo.com/en/jamstack/
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