website themes
website template
blog themes
blog template
Unique gatsby blog with cute blog Content Docs
How to install and work with cute blog gatsby themes template project.
Local Installation
- Download and install Node JS on your devices
- Download Source Code Project
- Create New folder on desktop name it with your project for example cuteblog.
- Extract source code files in to your project cuteblog
- Access with terminal run 'cd C:\Users\pcname\Desktop\yourproject' change pcname with your pc name and change yourproject with your new project for example cuteblog
- Run Installation with Terminal
npm install && npm run dev
- Open localhost:8000
- For stop , you can presh ctrl+C
- Need to settup , open gatsby-config.js files with code editor, then you can change title, description, site_url and others.
- For content article you can access on content/blog folder , open example content article .md files. and you can see how this frontmatter format, for create new content you can create new file and name it with your post, then copy and paste frontmatter format,then edit with your needed.
Frontmatter markdown gatsby js cuteblog format
title: your title in here
date: insert your publish date
description: insert description in this area
cover: URL image or copy paste CDN image in here
Write your content in here.. write with markdown lang
title: Gatbsy JS is awesome
date: 2023-11-10
description: Why i love gatsby js for build project
cover: URL image or copy paste CDN image in here
Lorep ipsum dolor siamet , this is a content article.
Push On Github
- Create account on github
- Create new repo and name it with your project
- Download source code gatsby blog project
- Create new folder on desktop name it with cuteblog and extract all source code files in to cuteblog folder
- Open terminal and access your project run
cd C:\Users\pcname\Desktop\cuteblog
change pcname with your pc name.
- Visit your github repo and copy paste all command on github repo in to your terminal.
- run this command
git init && git add . && git commit -m "my first commit" && git remote add origin git push -u origin main
need to change username with your github username , and myrepo with your repo project name , and main with your github repo default branch for example main or master - check on your github repo.
Make your website online
- You can use neltify , vercel , cloudflare pages for deploy your gatsby website blog project - recommended.
- Create account with your github account on verce l ,netlify , cloudflare ,then create new project on vercel / netlify , for cloudflare you can create new cloudflare pages.
- After you have create new project now you can integration your github repo, select your repo project, and select gatsby framework , then click deploy.
- Congratulations your gatsby website blog is live now !!
Production build for PHP Hosting
If you want to run on your PHP hosting like cpanel, plesk,direct admin , apanel , VPS and others. So you need to build production mode for your gatsby project.
But we recommended to you for use modern static hosting.
How to run on PHP hosting
- After you have change all and finish your gatsby blog project , now you can to run production mode with run this command
npm run build
- You can open your project and extract public folder as .zip file,then upload this .zip file to your hosting,login your hosting panel, then upload and extract .zip files in to your project, and access your website.
We hope with this source code you can build modern website blog for your project.
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