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New Jekyll Themes Template - Cubber Project Content Docs
Develop your modern and fast website with jekyll ruby on rails !!
Modern and Futuristic Concept Design for your multipurpose website project.
How to install new jekyll themes template cubber project.
To install it on your device, and you can update everything on your device before making your site online.
Need to install Jekyll on your Devices, Read Documentation Page
cd C:\Users\usernmae\desktop\cubber
change username
with your pc name
Option to change and update directly online via your GitHub repo. and get your site online.
git clone https://[email protected]/username/yourrepo.git
- change username
with your github username and change yourrepo
with your github repo project.{:loading="lazy"}
First, we need to set up our new jekyll themes site, access the _config.yml
file and open it using a code editor, then adjust it to your needs.
Update your title, description for SEO , change favicon ,lang ,and url
YAML Format
title: Insert title here..
slogan: Slogan for navigation widget here..
description: Insert your description in here....
favicon: Your favicon website image here... you can use cdn or /assets/img/yourfaviconfile.png
locale: locale for website
lang: insert website language
url: 'input your website domain here..'
Set the cover image and website navigation
image: your cover image here...
# navigation setup
- title: Navigation name here...
icon: Icon image for navigation..
link: URL link navigation in here..
- title: Home
icon: /assets/img/icon/home.png
link: /
# to add new navigation you can copy and paste the frontmatter form example or add this code - then change it to suit your needs
- title: New navigation
icon: Url image for new navigation
link: URL Link for new navigation
Set and configure your website widgets
# For setup your services widget area
title: OUR SERVICES # title for services widget in here
show: 3 # number of services widget content views
text: Explore All Services # button text in here..
link: /services # this is the url page for the services list
# For setup your blog widget area
title: BLOG UPDATE NEWS # title for blog widget in here
show: 3 # number of blog widget post views
text: Explore All Posts # Button text for blog widget
link: /blog # Link for blog list page
# For setup your galleries widget area
title: The Project Galleries # title for gallery widget in here
description: Your gallery description in here..
text: See Galleries # Button Text
link: /gallery # Link for galleries page
image: /assets/img/projectgallerycoverwebthemes.webp # cover image in here..
Setup for Footer widget section such cover , title, description, navigation, and social media
title: Title for footer section..
text: Insert footer description in here...
image: URL or CDN Cover image here..
- title: Nav menu name here...
link: Link URL goes here....
- title: Home
link: /
- title: About
link: /about
- title: Facebook
- title: Twitter
- title: Instagram
- title: Youtube
Setup for Blog post and pagination
paginate: 6 # Number for blog post views
paginate_path: "/blog/page:num/" # No need to change
title: Cubber
slogan: Cubber
description: New and Modern JAMSTACK Jekyll Astro Js Eleventy 11ty Website Themes Template
favicon: /assets/img/author.jpg
locale: en_EN
lang: en
url: ''
image: /assets/img/cuber-cover.webp
- title: Home
icon: /assets/img/icon/home.png
link: /
- title: About
icon: /assets/img/icon/about.png
link: /about
- title: Services
icon: /assets/img/icon/services.png
link: /services
- title: Gallery
icon: /assets/img/icon/gallery.png
link: /gallery
- title: Blog
icon: /assets/img/icon/blog.png
link: /blog
- title: Contact
icon: /assets/img/icon/contact.png
link: /contact
show: 3
text: Explore All Services
link: /services
show: 3
text: Explore All Posts
link: /blog
title: The Project Galleries
description: We have handled many customers from all over the world, especially for modern website development needs using JAMSTACK technology - Jekyll, Eleventy, Astro Js, Gatsby Js and others. Our Web development team also provides JAMSTACK Jekyll, Astro Js, Eleventy 11ty theme templates to use, from free to premium.
text: See Galleries
link: /gallery
image: /assets/img/projectgallerycoverwebthemes.webp
title: Cuber Project
text: New and Modern JAMSTACK Jekyll Astro Js Eleventy 11ty Website Theme Template, For your Multipurpose website project, very complete with home page, about page, contact form contact page integration, Services page and details, blog page and blog details, Author Profile, SEO Ready with automatic SEO injection by Jekyll SEO plugin.
image: /assets/img/footerjekyllthemestemplate.jpg
- title: Home
link: /
- title: About
link: /about
- title: Services
link: /services
- title: Gallery
link: /gallery
- title: Blog
link: /blog
- title: Contact
link: /contact
- title: Author
link: /authors
- title: Search
link: /search.html
- title: Facebook
- title: Twitter
- title: Instagram
- title: Youtube
paginate: 6
paginate_path: "/blog/page:num/"
you can change configuration for tag page on tag.html open with code editor and change title, description and image cover.
you can change configuration for categories page on categories.html open with code editor and change title, description and image cover.
you can change configuration for search page on search.html open with code editor and change title, description and image cover.
To update your home area - open the file - then change the frontmatter to your needs.
Header area section
title: Title for your home page area..
description: Description here...
image: URL or CDN Cover Image for Home page here...
button: Button Text...
link: URL button goes here..
Intro area section
- title: Title for intro 1
text: Description for intro 1
image: URL Image or CDN for intro image 1
- title: Title for intro 2
text: Description for intro 2
image: URL Image or CDN for intro image 2
- title: Title for intro 3
text: Description for intro 3
image: URL Image or CDN for intro image 3
For the number of display widget post settings
services_show: 4 # Change number for services post display
blog_show: 6 # Change number for blog post display
To update your about area - open the file - then change the frontmatter to your needs.
For change and update intro area
title: Title about page here....
description: Descirption about page here....
image: URL Image or CDN about page...
For change and update intro area
image1: CDN or URL image for intro 1
title1: Title for for intro 1
- Text for intro 1
- Add new text for intro 2 like this
image2: CDN or URL image for intro 2
title2: Title for for intro 2
- Text for intro 2
- Add new text for intro 2 like this
output intro1:
output intro2:
Implementation example frontmatter about page
title: About Cuber Web Developer
description : Website develoepr services - Jekyll , Eleventy , Astro Js, React , Next Js , Gatsby Js, Svelte, Bludit, Pico , Flatifle Headless CMS
image: /assets/img/about/aboutwebsitedeveloper.webp
image1: /assets/img/about/websitepeform.jpg
title1: Website Performance Stability
- We always develop all our projects, both website development services and template theme creation with the principles of stability and performance, for better SEO support for users.
- The stability of a site will certainly help optimize the performance of your site, for visitor comfort and SEO needs, That's why we provide the best level of stability for the perfection of your project.
image2: /assets/img/about/websitespeed.jpg
title2: Optimization for Speed
- With algorithm updates from Google, apart from quality article content, it also supports the speed of a site, and Google prioritizes websites with perfect performance, both in terms of speed, stability and performance. So it is not surprising that currently many developers are thinking about the theme structure with the best speed in developing a project.
- And our website development team always provides the best results for performance and speed needs, both in building websites and for the themes we provide.
To update your services page area.
Setup servies list page - folder location services. Open services/index.html
and change title, description for update your services list page.
title: Services list title here...
description: Description Services list here...
image: URL or CDN image cover services page
To create a new or update your service article, the location of the _services
folder, Open the _services
folder and create a new markdown file, for simple steps you can copy and paste from the example article, rename files with your url link , then change the front matter and article content according to your needs.
For YouTube videos, we just need to copy the backend link URL. An example of a full Youtube URL is
, so we just need to copy this code 99ScGtlgjc4
and paste it into the video frontmatter.
Example :
files name
layout: services # Do not change
title: This is your services title...
description: This is your services description...
image: URL or CDN image here.....
button: Button text here...
link: Link for button , you can use for download or buy now direct to your paypall, gumroad, fiverr, and others.
video: Insert URL Youtube video here.. For YouTube videos, we just need to copy the backend link URL.
Write article in here...
layout: services
title: Jekyll Web Dev Services
description: Jekyll website and themes template developer for help your website and blog project.
image: /assets/img/services/jekyllwebdeveloper.jpg
button: Order Jekyll Services
video: 99ScGtlgjc4
Jekyll is a static site generator that is very popular in the world of web development. running on ruby on rails, making websites faster with a very slim size, reliable performance, [Jekyll]( is the best solution for developing your website and blog projects.
The advantage of using Jekyll to develop websites is that it is very easy to deploy to various hosting sites, including [GitHub]( pages which are famous for their speed, so building your site with Jekyll will be perfect with the best performance , speed , and SEO needs.
Output :
To update your services page area.
Setup Gallery list page - folder location gallery. Open gallery/index.html
and change title, description for update your services list page.
title: Gallery list title here...
description: Description Gallery list here...
image: URL or CDN image cover Gallery page
To create a new or update your gallery or project article, the location of the _galleries
folder, Open the _galleries
folder and create a new markdown file, for simple steps you can copy and paste from the example article, rename files with your url link , then change the front matter and article content according to your needs.
Note : slug is for id galleries , do not use this is my galleries
but use this thisismygalleries
or this-is-my-galleries
Example :
files name
slug: titleslughere..
title: This is your services title...
description: This is your services description...
image: URL or CDN image here.....
button: Button text here...
link: Link for button , you can use for download or buy now direct to your paypall, gumroad, fiverr, and others.
Write article in here...
slug: astromultipuprose
title: Astro Js Blacks Multipurpose Themes
description: Multipurpose theme template for your website and blog, full features built with astro js
image: /assets/img/project/multipurpose-website.jpg
button: Download
Blacks is a complete set to help you develop modern websites with Astro js, Functional Tags, Home Page with slider image, About Page, Gallery Page, Image Gallery, Image details, Video Gallery, Video details, Blog page, blog details, Contact page and others.
Get started now, create your modern site with the Astro Js Blacks Multipurpose website theme template.
Output :
To update your contact area - open the file - then change the frontmatter to your needs.
To use the contact form you need to register at
- then you can create a new form - give your form a name. Next, you can click the send menu - copy the endpoint to formspree_id in frontmatter
layout: contact # don't change
title: Title for your contact page...
description : Description for contact page...
image: Cdn URL image for contact page...
formspree_id: Copy endpoint here...
address: Your address here...
map: Copy Google Map Link...
phone: Input phone number..
email: your email in here...
layout: contact
title: Contact Us
description : Website developer services - Jekyll , Eleventy , Astro Js, React , Next Js , Gatsby Js, Svelte, Bludit, Pico , Flatifle Headless CMS
image: /assets/img/contactwebsitethemestemplatedeveloper.webp
address: Hollywood 77th , Presemouth Pensilva - Desavaldora - USA
phone: +1899998999
email: [email protected]
To update your author page.
Setup Author list page - folder location authors. Open authors/index.html
and change title, description for update your author list page.
title: Authorlist title here...
description: Description Author list here...
image: URL or CDN image cover Author page
To create a new or update your author team, the location of the _author
folder, Open the _author
folder and create a new markdown file , for simple steps you can copy and paste from the example article, rename files with your url link , then change the front matter and article content according to your needs.
example file name :
layout: author # Do not change
name: shortname for blog post
title: Full Author Name...
description: Description about the author
image: URL or CDN author image...
facebook: social author link
Write about author here....
layout: author # Do not change
name: evgein
title: Evgein Devjloc
description: Modern website developer JAMSTACK Static Site Generator , Astro Js, Jekyll , Eleventy 11ty, Gatsby Js, Next Js
image: /assets/img/author.jpg
Hello , I'm Evgein Devjloc
And i realy love with modern website development technology, such as JAMSTACK website .
I have experience in developing websites for my customers throughout the world, with various technologies to create websites information ,
company profiles, blogs , documentation website, portfolio , image gallery and so on.
To update areas of your blog page. Make sure you have an author, you can create an author in the _author
Setup Blog list page - folder location blog. Open blog/index.html
and change title, description for update your blog list page.
title: Blog list title here...
description: Description Blog list here...
image: URL or CDN image cover Blog page
To create a new or update your blog post article, the location of the _posts
folder, Open the _posts
folder and create a new markdown file with format
, for simple steps you can copy and paste from the example article, rename files with your url link , then change the front matter and article content according to your needs.
Note: Make sure you have an author, you can create an author in the _author
folder m then you can insert author name on author frontmatter.
Example :
files name
layout: post # Don't change
title: Title for blog post...
description: Description for blog post...
image: CDN or URL Image Cover..
date: Publish date here...
author: your author name..
categories: your categories here....
- tag1
- tag2
write article in this area....
layout: post # Don't change
title: Jekyll themes Template
description: Free Download and Open Source Code Jekyll Website Themes Template for your website and blog project.
image: /assets/img/blog/newjekyllthemestemplate.webp
date: 2024-02-04
author: evgein
categories: fastweb
- jekyll
- ssg
- jamstack
- source code
- free
- template
- themes
If you want to develop your site or need to learn how to build your site with jekyll, then you can download this source code project to help you learn how to develop a modern JAMSTACK Static Site Generator with Jekyll.
Jekyll] is very easy to develop to support building sites with various needs, such as company profiles, schools, cafe restaurants, portfolios, and others.
Ease of use of YAML files, markdown, frontformatter helps you build sites faster and without coding.
Output :
Equipped with automatic SEO injection scripts, makes it easy for you to just focus on the content of your articles.
Meta tag , Open Graph, Google LD JSON, and more..
Register and create account on github , next you can create new repo , Name it your repo , then select your project for public or private, Then you can click create repo button.
Next, You need to following github command.
For first access your project using terminal , then copy and paste command script from github.
git init
git add .
git commit -m "first commit for my astro website"
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master
Change username with your github username ,and change your-repo-name with your github repo
And you have successfully push your project on github repo.
Next step, you need to register on modern static host provider for deploy your project and make your website live.
For deploy and make your website live, so you need to register on modern static host provider, for example, cloudflare , netlify or vercel.
Register with your github account
Next you can click create new project app for netlify and vercel or pages for cloudflare
And you can click select and integration with your github repo project.
After you have integration with your github account, now you can select yout github repo
Next you can click deploy, and select jekyll as framework.
Click Deploy
Congratulations your website is live now !!
To update your about area - open the file - then change the frontmatter to your needs.
If you want to work with CMS , so you can use headless git cms for best solutions.
Same like other cms, with headless cms we can update website and blog quickly.
Include with credential security for login on backend admin, make your website secure.
For simple and quick CMS you can try - open and integration with your github repo, next you can edit and update your site via
We can use netlify decap cms. Credential login with google or github account , with Admin Dashboard area - You can build your backend headless cms with decap cms.
Or you can use headless cms for your dev local mode with Tina CMS
If you interest work with headless cms, so you can use our services for develope your backend headless cms admin for your project.
Order Headless CMS integration
If you want your site powerfull in SEO, we need to register with Google Search Console, register your site by adding a site and entering the domain URL, then open settings and download the Google HTML tag, then upload it to your web project, and add Google Meta. html in the theme head code, then add the DNS record from Google to your site.
After that, we can access the site map, and enter sitemap.xml and feed.xml so that your articles can be indexed quickly by Google.
Thank You by Using Cubber Jekyll Theme.
And thanks alot for use cubber jekyll template, we hope this project can help you build modern web blog with SEO.
If you need help, you can contact our team developer .
Select your favorite technology and website blog themes template