Elegan and modern markdown website themes template

Build and develope your project with modern and elegant website blog mardown concept by using picobook pro.

Build and develope your project with modern and elegant website blog mardown concept by using picobook pro.


  • Flatifle CMS
  • PHP Lang
  • Modern Design UI
  • Markdown
  • Easy Installation
  • Auto SEO Injection
  • All PHP host support Cpanel Plesk and Others
  • Documentation Ready
  • Full Source Code Themes Template Project

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themestemplate website themes website template blog themes blog template template blog cms backend frontend modern website elegant multi purpose flatfile cms pico picothemes featuredpremium premiumthemes

Picobook pro is built using the Pico flatifle CMS, which makes it easier for you to update your website.

And by using the modern static site generator concept, using picobook becomes even better. Apart from that, you can also run it on your PHP hosting, for full control of your site.

With its best features, article pages, blog lists, blog posts, contact pages, open graphs, Twitter cards, and meta tags automatically follow the title and description of your page.

Installation Picobook PRO .

Download source code full picobook pro version , then you can upload source code file in to your hosting.

Installation on main domain

If you want to install it on main domain, so you need to upload picobook source code on your root public_html.

Installation on sub domain

For installation on sub domain, you can create new sub domain, then upload source code file in to your subdomain folder.

Installation on directori

If you need to install picobook pro on your other directori, so you can create new folder on root public_html , and name it with your project, after that you can upload source code on your directori folder.

After you have upload source code project,your webiste is live !!

You need to know about pico flatfile cms no database.

Pico flatfile CMS is different from most CMS because it doesn't use pages or an admin area to work, meaning we really work with markdown files, like a modern static site generator.You could say this is a modern CMS website to use to help you build a safe and very fast site, accompanied by the best SEO support.

Folder structure .

  • Assets - To save your media files, such as images, videos and others. Later we will use the files in this folder to interact with the needs of articles and website pages, especially for displaying and using images and various other media files. You can create new folder for example image for upload your image storage, video for video files storage , and others.

  • Config - The folder used to make settings on your site, found in the _config.yml file.

  • Content - For article storage data based on .md markdown files, from static pages or blogs.

  • Plugins - Additional plugin features to complement the site.

  • Themes - Folder containing themes used in developing website.

  • Vendor - Contains installation and support files for Symfony Web Framework and Pico Flatfile CMS

Config.yml .

File location : config/config.yml

For first visit your hosing panel, and access picobook pro project - config folder. then you need to open config.yml file, and you need to change the site_title and base_url.

_meta.md .

Folder location : content/_meta.md

OK, now you need to prepare and make changes to the website design, with your own creations. so open your picobookpro project content/_meta.md - open and edit with code editor.

Design Picobook PRO UI .

Ok, now visit on content folder and open index.md with code editor. then change and update fonformatter design UI.

Static Page Picobook PRO UI .

The area used to store your static page data such as about, contact and so on.

File folder location : content

You can change edit and update or rename all sample content here, this sample content is used so that you understand how picobook pro versoin works.

Note: Don't delete this file, just edit it as allowed

  • index.md
  • _meta.md
  • 404.md
  • contact.md
  • blog.md

For create new static page, you can create new file, and name it with your static page, then save it with markdown format .md files, for example mypost.md

fontformatter template look like this

Title: About
Description: Mengenai source code picobook website flatfile cms
Cover: https://axcora.my.id/pico/picobook/themes/picobook/img/pico cms developer web design.jpg
Template: index
Write article static page in here.

Picobook adalah pengembangan dari pico cms khusus nya dalam kebutuhan implementasi desain tema, by default pico cms adalah sebuah flatfile system yang tidak membutuhkan database, tentunya mengusung konsep generator static modern sepeti jekyll , hugo, eleventy maka pada hosting PHP khusus nya jika ingin

Blog Content Picobook PRO UI .

The area used to store your blog article page data .

File folder location : content/blog

We have example blog content article markdown format, so you can edit or rename it with you needed. for create new content blog article , you can create new file, and name it with your blog article and save it in markdown file .md , for example myblognew.md.

After create new article file, now you can copy from example blog post and edit with you needed, or insert this fontformatter code.

Title: Insert title here
Description: Your description in here
Cover: Insert url link image
Date: 2023-10-09
Hidden : false
Template: post
### About Picobook PRO

Picobook pro is a premium version for [pico cms](https://www.picocms.org) themes template.

Learn Markdown Lang .

Example how to write in markdown

h1 - #
implementation : # Im Title H1 tag

h2 - ##
implementation : ## Im Title H2 tag

h3 - ###
implementation : ### Im Title H3 tag

h4 - ####
implementation : #### Im Title H4 tag

h5 - #####
implementation : ##### Im Title H5 tag

Image - ![]()
implementation : ![alt image](https://myweb.com/piconic.png)

LINK URL - []()
implementation: [creativitas](https://www.fiverr.com/creativitas/design-your-modern-website-using-jekyll)

For list you can use  - or + and number (1,2,3-more..)
implementation : 
- helo
- world

Bold text: ** **
implementation : **I'm Bold text**

For information detail about documentation you can open documentation in order page.


Ionic Markdown Mobile Website UI
