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Run Project on your website
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Piconic Mobile Webiste App UI Design Content Docs
After you have download piconic pro source code , now you can upload this source code project on your web hosting , like Cpanel or Plesk and other PHP hosting.
Install on Main Domain
If you need to install on your main domain , for example myweb.com , so you can upload and extact source code file on root or public_html folder.
Install on Sub Domain
If you want to install on sub domain, for example piconic.myweb.com , so you can create new sub domain on your panel domain, then configure A panel , name server and other with your hosting , and upload source code project on your subdomain.
Install on Directori
If you need to install and run on your directori domain, for example myweb,com/mobileweb so you can create new folder on public_html and name it with your directori, for example mobileweb , then upload source code project on your directori.
That's it !! and your website is live now.
After you have install piconic pro version on your website project. now you can access on your hosting open config/_config.yml and edit with code editor, then change site_title with your site title.
For convenience, we have provided an assets folder, as a storage for all the assets needed to develop your website project. example like image photos, videos, and others.
After understanding working with assets folders, for storing your media, Now we can work on updating the design on your website pages.
Visit Content folder and open _meta.md file with code editor. then change all with you needs.
This area is used in managing article content management. such as static pages or blog article pages.
Folder location Content
Open content folder, and you can create new static content or create new article in article folder. create new markdown file, and follow fontformatter and write your post with markdown lang.
For information detail about documentation you can open documentation in order page.
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