blog · 12 Jun 2023
Why my pico website is display blank white ??

You should know , how to solved pico cms problem with white blank screen.
Hey.. you have download and use pico cms for built your site ?? if yes.. pico cms is very fast,secure and very fun work with pico cms.
But we have same issues , when you upload it on your hosting , then your pico cms is can’t run normally , your site will displaying blank with white screen.
So what the problem ?? because i have run on localhost is run perfect without any issues, but when i upload it on hosting , my website is displaying blank white screen.
What can we do to solved this problem ??
The problem is from your php hosting version, maybe you use old pico cms template where template is support with php version 7 for example. and you run PHP version 8 in your hosting.
So you need to solved with downgrade and change PHP version on your hositng, for solved this you need to follow this step.
For first make sure you have settup your php version on your hosting, you can try with use multi php version on your hosting, just try to use any PHP version . where is PHP version work with your pico cms.
That’s it !!
After you have settup php version , your pico cms website is online.
Or you can use and try this step for solved pico website is display blank white , for example your pico website template is support with php version 7.3 or 7.4 , so you just need insert line code on .htaccess files, open your project/.htaccess
open with code editor.
and insert this line code
<IfModule mime_module>
` AddHandler application/x-httpd-ea-php73___lsphp .php .php7 .phtml`
and save it.
Now you can try to access your site url, and viola.. your site is live now !!
We hope this article can help you for solved problem about Why my pico website is display blank white