Rent Car CMS free download full source code

Built modern rent car or car service rental with modern cms .

Built modern rent car or car service rental with modern cms .

If you need to built or have project for rent car or car services, so you can use this source code project.

We have develope modern cms for easy to user built modern car website with simple and fast. no need database, just download and upload it on your hosting then your site is live !!

With unique design include slider page make your rent car website super cool !!

This source code project is free, so you can download it and customises with you needed.

And we have develope many project for rent car , so you can download all if you want.

Rent Car Blu Slider

How to work ??

For first you need to download on our github repo

download rent car cms slider →

After download source code file, you can upload it on your hosting, then you just need to run installation with visit your website, select language for installation, then insert your password for login to cms, and run installation.

After you have finish installation, now you need to settup your site, just visit on then login with your password you have create before, after that, now you can follow this step

  • Change username and password for security reason, by default your web admin user name is use admin, now you can change username and password , just visit on user - then create new user name and select role as administrator, after that now you can delete your old admin user name.
  • Site settup : now we need to settup and configure your website just visit on general, then insert your website title and description, and settup your site with you needed in here.
  • SEO Plugins: now we need to activated SEO website plugin, just visit on Plugins, and scroll down, you need to activate this plugins list : Canonical - Open Graph - Twitter Card - RSS Feed - Sitemap
  • Create Group Article : after settup all now you need to grouping your content article, so you can visit categories menu and create new categories in here.
  • Create Edit Update and Delete Article : now you can create edit and delete article , just visit on content , then create and edit your artilce, just insert title for page article, and write your content, You can insert description with click on general in the top right menu on article form,then insert description , categories and tag , and save it for publish your content.
  • Page Type : You can select what your page type with click on Options - advanced - then select type. Default is for blog post, static is for static page like about page and others, then sticky is for top post.

Rent Car Clean With App

This project is use clean design themes, with admin backend panel you can login and work fast for update your car website, not just cms website only but you have bonus with rent car application, for easy to you noted rent car transaction , let’s get started download this project

download rent car cms with app →

After download source code project you can upload it on our hosting, and access you website url/admin and login with username : axcora , password : axcoracms. after login you can visit on settings, and change password for security reason, and settup your title description and you can create post and page article with access on page menu - click add new page and write your article in here.

Settup rent car app - for run rent car app you need to create database on your hosting, just create new database ,then integration with your database user , and import database app on car/korga.sql , and now you can work with rent car app, with visit your website/car then login with user: admin and password : 12345678.

Modern Rent Car Markdown

This project is diferent with all rent car cms, because with use this rent car markdown , you not have an admin panel area, this because we use modern technology, just work with text only for build and design your car rental web, same like modern era web trend use markdown for create content and page.let get started be the modern web developer without codding with use this project.

download rent car markdown →

Download source code project , then upload on your hosting and visit your site url, and your site is online now.

For work with this porject you need to work on admin panel hosting - just visit your project website and access on config/config.yml open with code editor and change site title. How to create content and change design ?? for change design you need to access on content/ open with code editor and you just need to change in here, now for create new post article you can open on content folder you will see all example post in here, you can edit and rename file with your own in here, for create new article you can create new md files with create new file and name it with your url page with extention .md for example and you can write article in here, or you can open one post example and copy paste on your new article page,then edit with your own. that’s it !!

we hope this rent car cms website themes template will help you.

If our project help you for built modern car website,so you can contribution and support us with donation

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Text Notes Update

Temukan aplikasi toko,aplikasi restoran,aplikasi bengkel, aplikasi sekolah, aplikasi invoice , aplikasi akuntansi , aplikasi ekspedisi disini.

Bang Resto Aplikasi Restoran
Aplikasi restoran cafe rumah makan sangat lengkap include website integrasi ,waitrers, kitchen ,kasir, admin, qr code menu digital , whatsapp online order dalam satu app.

Pembuatan Website Cepat dan SEO
Saatnya kini kembangkan website super cepat tanpa database dengan dukungan SEO di dalam nya.

Typography Hockey Computindo
Mesin Kasir , aplikasi kasir , aplikasi toko, aplikasi restoran, aplikasi bengkel, aplikasi sekolah, pembuatan website terbaru.

Lava Aplikasi Toko Grosir dan Eceran.
Kebutuhan untuk penjualan eceran grosir maka menggunakan aplikasi toko lavaapp adalah pilihan terbaik untuk toko minimarket bisnis usaha mu.

Mesin Kasir
Mesin Kasir terbaru untuk toko minimarket dan mesin kasir restoran cafe rumah makan.

Mesin Kasir Restoran
Restoran cafe rumah makan wajib menggunakan mesin kasir ini, lengkap aplikasi software program restoran waiters kitchen kasir admin all in one.

Mesin Kasir Toko
Sempurna dengan barcode system dan touchscreen metode untuk mesin kasir toko minimarket retail shop.

Pembuatan website modern terbaru
Buat web modern bersama kami dengan react, next, remix, gatsby , angular, svelte , blazor wasm untuk solusi terbarik pengembangan site mu.

Mr.RestoPos Aplikasi Restoran
Aplikasi restoran cafe rumah makan super lengkap dengan kemampuan waiters , kitchen display, kasir dan admin dalam satu app integrasi website resto cafe rumah makan.

Explore Notes

Product & Services

Dukungan produk dan layanan kami untuk membantu memajukan bisnis usaha mu.

mesin kasir online

Mesin Kasir

Pilihan mesin kasir terbaik dengan hardware pilihan.

modern website


Pengembangan website modern technology.

aplikasi kasir toko restoran


Aplikasi kerja untuk menunjang bisnis usaha mu.