Ionic is not recognized as an external or internal command cant run ionic command

Ionic is not recognized as an external or internal command cant run ionic command

Ionic is a framework for creating mobile applications in their needs, with Cordova making the best applications such as flutter with darts. If you want to learn ionic then you need to do an ionic installation first and visit the ionic website to run it visit ionic website →.

Note : for the first you need install npm before for download and run ionic install npm now →
After install npm you can open cmd on windows and run the command like this npm install ionic cordova -g
or you can install it with cordova like this code command
npm install ionic cordova -g
Now test an ionic with create new app with command
ionic start myApp tabs
If success ionic inform and create a new apps. but something we have a problem like this..
ionic cant run

Now how we can resolved this error problem ?? for the first your can uninstall and install it ionic cordova run the comand on cmd
npm uninstall ionic cordova -g
and run install again
npm install ionic cordova -g
If ionic work you can chek with run ionic start myApp tabs, if error again with "Ionic is not recognized as an external or internal command" you can follow next step procedures. click icon windows and then just typing env , automatic windows search Environment Manager open you can click environment variables at the bottom button, on user variables you can open the path line,or you can create new variables on path line with value : %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\npm. and
%APPDATA%\npm; now save it, restart your cmd now run ionic info for tested amd viola.. your ionic framework normaly run.

Now you can learn ionic and create your project. I hope this articel blog for Ionic is not recognized as an external or internal command cant run ionic command can help you.

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