04 Jul 2020
Free Point of sale Laravel POS source code - aplikasi kasir gratis
Free Point of sale Laravel POS source code - aplikasi kasir gratis
Free download source code point of sale using laravel php artisan, aplikasi kasir gratis download.

Hello developer this time to source code again,now we using laravel php framework for build and develope apps, what is laravel ?? laravel is a modern and popular framework with php language for build and develope apps or website, like code igniter laravel is very complete to using building a webiste or apps. using MVC make easy and fast for use it, with mysql database so is very powerfull for cashier transaction.
This laravel source code pos is free to download with simple modules you can using for transaction on your store bussiness. user account accsess including password for protection , product databased with name product, description / barcode , sell price and buy price, make easy to edit or delete the databased. fast point of sale cashier transaction , print out the ticket with receipt printer , and check all report details income. this is a free for you download and using .
Download / clone now on source forge or fork it.
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How to install ??
For the first we need thir party appliaction for start this open source code point of sale using laravel, you need install XAMPP on local terminal server , download XAMPP →
After download you must install xampp web server, just click next and finish , after installation success now you must start apache web server and mysql too. if you have start XAMPP web server, now you can open web browser and visit localhost/phpmyadmin. and then create new mysql databased on php myadmin and rename it with laravelpos. after create a new database now you can open laravelpos free source code pos .zip file, extract the zip files on copy on your c:\xamppp\htdocs\folder apps.and you can see laravelpos.sql files, back again to php myadmin on web browser click on laravelpos databases , and click import then click browse , now open where laravelpos folder your copy it before and then double click on laravelpos.sql file and import it to your new databased.
A new laravel POS Source code Full
Other version laravel point of sale download , click on image and get started with laravel point of sale app , full source code free download

On laravelpos folder you need to copy env.example file after copying rename with .env open with your text editor, if you don't have text editor maybe you can download notepad ++ or VScode . just download notepad++ here → , install notepad++ and then right click on .env file and configure with your database, just change the database with your new mysql database and password if your using password.
The code must like this and change and configure with you new laravelpos database.
just insert code like on example is by default if you new using xampp terminal server , and then save it with control + S.
Now we need to install third party apps for using this open source code pos, for first download npm or git bash. for using to run local server , you can download NPM on here → or download Git bash here → , after download now you can install it, after installation sucess just check on your shell terminal or click on windows logo and run cmd, and then typing "npm -v" if using npm and typing "git --version" if you use git bash. and comand prompt will be displaying version your using.
Now to install package libary we need just download composer in here → ,cek a version with run on cmd, just click on windows logo and typing cmd now you can insert this and run enter "composer -v" comand prompt will displaying composer version.
And the last of course and sure we must have laravel so just open on cmd or npm / git bash and then typing composer global require laravel/installer after finish check your laravel version with run command on npm / git bash php artisan --version and then the terminal will displaying version of laravel your using.

After all installation finished now we ready to install this point of sale open source code, now open code when your copying source code, and then right click and select git bash here with git bash or copy paste where you folder location on npm just typing and clik on terminal cd and then copy your folder location example like this cd c:\xampp\htdocs\laravelpos and press enter.

We need use terminal shell on this laravelpos folder locate , so you must configure this with git bash or npm,follow the instrution before and start to install a libary with npm, now you can run on gitbash or npm with npm install
and then composer install
after libary installation success, we need to security key and just run on cmd or npm php artisan key:generate now ready to using this apps.just run php artisan serve and then visit your web browser like mozila or chrome on localhost:8000

open localhost:8000 and insert username : [email protected] and password : 123456
and congrats you now using free point of sale using laravelpos source code free download,now what we do ??? for first of course you must register a user for using this apps, or you can change user account and password with your own.after register and update user account, we must go to product menu and register all product you have, just click + button and insert you new product on here, like product name, description or barcode code , sell price and buy price, and save or update it, you can check sell or buy price product on product list menu.

Cashier Transacation : for using cashier point of sale transaction you must have finished all product data you have, and then click on menu cashier transaction , create new transaction in here, insert customer name , and then select product for transaction , insert payment and automaticly this apps will diplaying change if have change payment. after that you can save for save a transaction and then click print button if you need to print ticket receipt. for receipt printer we recomende using google chrome for best solutions clouds printing, and then you must configure width and height on google clouds print and then print receipt with your design.

How to check income Report ?? for chek report list sale income detail you need go to cashier menu and refresh the pages, with F5 button on keyboard or refreh by browser, after refresh you can click on report button, and automaticly this apps displaying detail list income cashier point of sale transaction.

If you need install on shared hosting or online clouds you can do it, just upload file on your web browser and create new mysql databased on hosting , and then touch and connected the database on .env file, same like install on your local machine before.with online installation you can using and accsessing this apps with your multi device platform like android, ios iphone and POS windows, and welcome to digital revolutions !!
We hope this simple laravel point of sale free download source code aplikasi gratis help you for support your store bussiness, and if you want to donate, then you can do so by sending money transfers via moneygram or western union to our bank account below.
ACCOUNT NO : 0181884109
Of you need premium web app and website design you can using we services.just contact we team and and lets talk about your web app or building modern website with us.
Enjoy it this apps , if you need video tutorial how to install and get started with laravel pos just follow we youtube chanel in here →
Contibution with donation for support our team dev make other source code for the world.
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