13 Oct 2020
How to install & create new page angular - installasi dan membuat halaman baru pada angular
How to install & create new page angular - installasi dan membuat halaman baru pada angular

Angular a modern and popular framework, now you can see how this framework to be a leader on modern web apps including react, angular is fast and simple for create a single page application or progresive website apps. many developer using angular for build web app project. very fast for load angular is a best solutions for develope modern web apps.
Prepare requipment recommended installation for download : node npm →
For text editor you can download visual code →
Now how to install angular or create new project website using angular ?? for first you need to install node npm or git , after install git and node npm you can open on your terminal shell cmd and run command npm install -g @angular/cli
this command for install angular on your local device. after installation success you can run ng version
for chek angular version your using.
Now after angular install it we can create new web apps using angular , open your npm again and then run command ng new angularweb
and then select with routing,wait for angular create new web apps project on your C:/Users/yourpcname . after angular web app install it now you can run command cd angularweb
and then you can use visual code studio for edit and work with new angular web app project. just run command code .
, after visual code open your angularweb project now you can run angular server for hot reload on your web browser just run comand on your npm with ng serve
and then open web browser and accsess localhost:4200 , and your angular web app is ready now.
Now you can edit code and add insert new code with you needed to build new modern website using angular , and now How to install & create new page angular - installasi dan membuat halaman baru pada angular , well yoou now angular is a single page application so you can create new page on angular with fast using npm , you can create many page on angular and name it with routers or routing, with havce many page is very fun for using angular, visitor can open page by page with fast and smoothly . here we go how to create new page on angular or in indonesia language bagaimana cara membuat halaman baru pada angular.
For first you need open npm and if you need to create page with pageone for example you can run command ng generate component pageone
this command for create all page file complete for pageone , and you can create new page again with you needed , just run with the same command line, for example we create new pagetwo so run command ng generate component pagetwo
. you need configure add page route on app.module.ts and then checking this page work with visit on your web browser localhost:4200/pageone dont forget to run server with ng serve
before. yeah... thats it for How to install & create new page angular - installasi dan membuat halaman baru pada angular.
Build and develeop create modern website now with angular, and if you need blog cms platform develope using angular integration with real time database by firebase you can download and use we source code project call it phoneixs angular. you can download here → .
And if you need website design service develope using angular you can order we service too.. with cheap price you can update and upgrade your old school website using angular.
And we have angular project you can download it on here. download now and be ng !!
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