21 Jan 2021
Angular New Online shop Modern free download source code full gratiss bos qu
Create Modern New Online Shop with ANgular
On this post we shared about angular online shop apps, for learn angular, yeah,,, you know angular is very dificult to learn, but don't worry, we have a source code full you can download it free !!
Oke boskuh sekalian kali ini kita ada project gratis lah,,, full source code yes,, membangun online shop dengan menggunakan si ng, wow keren dong pastinya ye kan... yuk ikuti perjalanan naruto...

Why must angular ?? of course angular is cool.. with angular make your new modern technology with singgle page application, no load on page very perfect for develope new and modern online shop website, so be a ng now !!
Kenapa mesti angular ya supaya kamu tambah botak gaes,, hehee.. bercanda,, ya karena angular itu keren sih.. makanya kamu wajib mencoba menjajal dan mengincipi namanya modern framework ini.
Download now or Clone and fork it via github →
preparation of installation
Of course for first we need third party apps for install and run new modern online shop apps with angular, you need to install npm or gitbash then install angular on your pc dekstop / laptop.
Download NPM here →
Download Gitbash here →
After download you need to run all installer, then check version for installation success test. just click on windows logo then typing CMD or NPM and enter, now you see a command prompt , then run : node version , if your request handling with node version so your installation is success.
The same is done by running the git version command.
Oke selanjutnya untuk installasi bisa cek ya link diatas, setelah itu instal semua, dan lakukan semua seperti diatas, dan pastikan kamu sukses proses installasi nya ya, soalnya digunakan untuk run dan deploy nih project.
Angular installation with CLI, now we need to install angular, open your npm or gitbash again then run command npm install -g @angular/cli
wait a moment until the installation is successful, and after installation finish, now you can download this online shop apps. and extract on your porject folder, you can name it with angularshop . copy all file on your project folder / angularshop. after copy all files now you need install , right click and select gibash here for using gitbash, if you using npm you can open npm and run command : cd/angularshopp now you work with angularshop folder. then just run command npm i
, after installation finish you need to run angular just run with command ng serve
. then visit your web browser and open localhost:4000 , congratulation now you can use online shop apps build with angular.
Nah kalau uda selesai cek yes,, semua keperluan seperti diatas termasuk perintah nya, lalu waktunya kita install si ng, dan ikuti petunjuk diatas itu ya gaes.. setelah sukses kamu bisa buka di chrome atau mozila dan kunjungi link localhost:4000 untuk cek apakah sudah berhasil proses installasi nya.
A features angular shop source code free download

We have design this modern online shop with landing page , yeah.. landing page is good for display your product information detail for customer.all products will be displayed on your main page, this goal is to ensure customers can quickly select products and of course to shop online directly on the online store website.
Pada halaman utama nya bukan kaleng kaleng kita desain makai landing page supaya lebih banyak untuk nampilin produk mu disitu dan membuat pelanggan mu langsung order deh, mayan kan dapat rejeki.. amin...

The product display will display a detailed product photo image with a description description to attract customer interest, and when the customer clicks on the product, it will automatically enter the product information page.
Pada halaman produk nya ini sudah kita desain kan dengan gambar foto produk berikut keterangan nya untuk memudahkan pelanggan cek informasi mengenai produk mu.

On the product detail page, a product name will be displayed, selling price, description description, and article content explaining the product, also available sizes, colors, and buttons for placing direct orders.
Dan nantinya ketika pelanggan klik pada salah satu produk maka nanti akan di link kan dan masuk pada halaman produk detail dengan keterangan foto harga jual,ukuran dan detail lain nya.

When a customer places an order, a pop up info will automatically be provided that the order has been entered on the checkout page, and customer can click on the checkout column to check their purchases.
Nah setelah nanti pelanggan kamu klik pada tombol beli maka nantinya akan diarahkan ke halaman keranjang belanja, untuk cek pembelian nya.

On the checkout page, customer order details will be displayed, here customers can also see the payment methods used by your store, for payment methods customers can click on the bank of payment button, later all types of payments that your store provides will be displayed on the display, hereby makes it easier for customers to make payments quickly.
Dan pada keranjang belanja ini makin mudahin pelanggan untuk cek orderan nya, karena disana ada tombol untuk melihat type pembayaran yang digunakan pada toko online kamu, makin keren gak sih..
And then there is a page about which we provide examples for you to use to create another page, this page serves to display shop info, blogs ,promotion, event and others as needed in your store. or you can run : ng generate component yourpage
After your run command automaticly angular create a new component page for your using create a new content page.
dan untuk tambahan biar lengkap bin keren kita sudah nyediain halaman untuk keterangan dan kebutuhan penjelasan lain nya, kamu bisa ikuti kode yang sudah kita develope pada source dan copy paste aja deh, beres dah.. atau kamu bisa ikuti kode diatas untuk membuat halaman baru.
Ready to Develope New modern online shop with angular, saat nya memulai dengan si NG
Oke now you can edit all product demo with your real product, for first you need to visit src/app folder then click on product.ts edit with text editor then change with your produtcs. for edit code you can using text code editor like visual code or notepad ++ , donwload visual code here → or for light text editor code you can download notepad ++ here →.
information about product.ts file
- name: Name of your product in here img: insert url product image
- price: input your price product description: Description about your product
- content: insert your information about product in here color: insert product color in here
- Size: this is size product menu
For create new product you can copy and paste just following code before then save it. After all product your input on product.ts file now we can change about bank transfer information for customer payment, you can visit or open src/assets folder then click on shipping.json , edit with your code editor, and change bank , account,and all with you needed, you can add and insert new payment account in here just follow the code format.
Kamu bisa edit sesuai kebutuhan kamu untuk produk nya, cari folder src/app product.ts nah disana kamu bisa rubah ya sesuai kebutuhan kamu dan masukan semua produk kamu disana, untuk menambah atau membuat baru, tinggal ikuti atau kopi paste aja deh kode yang sudah ada.
and now you look cool with using new modern online shop build with angular,hapy codding my man...
Dan kini kamu lebih keren dan beken kek benyamin gaess... dengan membuat online shop kamu sendiri makai si ng.
Dan jangan lupa dibawah jika ada rejeki boleh donasi sukarela yes.. supaya kita semangat lagi untuk memberikan source code project yang berguna buat kamu dan nusa dan bangsa, ya itung itung buat rokok kopi nya team dev kita yes.. hehe..
make a contribution by sharing our application with the world through your social media or voluntary donations to our account so we can give the best for you again.
Donate Now using moneygram or western union send money to we local bank account.
ACCOUNT NO : 0181884109
Or you can test drive live with source code full, coba gratis gaes.. gas ken dibawah ini..
And we have angular project you can download it on here. download now and be ng !!
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New Point of sale mesin kasir →
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