06 Feb 2021
Free download angular template themes source code full
Black Angular website themes template
Thanks to creativetim and we have build cool website using this themes, and of course open source code so you can modify with you needed, with dark mode modern elegan design support with design panel, so you can change dark or light mode for display, fast with single page apps make your website powerfull and exclusive develope using angular.
Oke kaka gaes... kali ini kita akan membagikan tema keren nih untuk ngebangun site kamu jadi luar biasa,,, dengan era gelap gelapan gitu.. jaman now lah,, dan tentunya kalau males gelap kamu bisa klik pada pengaturan tampilan dan ganti menjadi putih sesuai selera deh.. makin oke kan...

Cek demo before download
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Why must angular ?? because is very hard to learn :D . yap with angular we can develope and build new modern web app using single page apps technology , very fast on load page make awesome . now how to install it this angular website themes template ?? of course for first you need to install node / npm or git . download node here →
Then install node npm, after installed you need to check node ,just open npm shell terminal command prompt then run node -v
, if shell displaying node version , congratulation, now node is successfuly installed on your device. and then you need to install angular for run this source code , so open your terminal again and run with command npm install -g @angular/cli
for installing angular global. and after install angular you can run command again for make sure this apps is installed on your device, just run command ng version
, and if shell terminal displaying angular version ,congratulation now ng is ready for use.
Then of course you need download this source code you can download it from sourceforge or fork clone from github , click button for free download source code.
After download this source code you need to change and extract on your project folder just copy all source code file in your project folder.
This is a design from Free download angular template themes source code full

Home area with dark mode

On page one you can edited with you needed.

Beauty in the dark right..

Example page with video full width

Example video with card

Of course you can change themes on display setting just change on light mode , and change navbar too..
Now how to install this free download source code gratis website themes template ?? for first you need to install with run npm install
with your npm shell terminal or command prompt, after installation success, now you need run this web app with command ng serve
then open localhost:4200 on your web browser, and BOOM...... your new modern site is live now..
Nah setelah kita becengkrama kesana kemari dengan riang dan bergimbara saat nya nih kita lakukan installasi web template gratis dan jalankan web app keren kamu ini, masuk pada berkas kamu dan lakukan jalankan perintah diatas ya... lakukan sesuai petunjuk , dan selamat kini situs kamu sudah siap untuk kamu oprek abis bos qu... gasss ken....

Now how to change article content and all in this website ?? you need to install vscode recommendation for work with angular, or you can using notepad++ and other, you can change anything on src/app/pages and open folder in here, just need to chane .html file, edit with your own..
Play video demo and installation
If you need to publish this site you can run with command ng build
then upload file on your host, you can using heroku or vercel and others, for deploying you need register on heroku or vercel of course you need register on github ,gitlab , bitbucket to.. for upload and push your repo. in case we use github, then register on github, click create new repo and name it with your own, or you can clone we repo , then you need to integration your repo with heroku, and congratulation now your website app is live.
You can upload on your shared cloud host to... with using build command, convert angular to html file and ready to upload to shared cloud hosting.
And we have angular project you can download it on here. download now and be ng !!