17 Apr 2021
New update unicenta online cloud android apk website app all in one
Unicenta android and website application.
Let's update and upgrade your unicenta pos desktop clasic point of sale software , touch with android application , qr code and website application including backoffice dashboard. with touch new generation of technology make your unicenta pos mobile. Unicenta is a free and open source code project fork from open bravo pos and develope by jack gerrard founder of unicenta pos, with jhon l contribute (chromis pos founder) unicenta opos became the best and leader free pos software.untill now many developer contribute on unicenta.

The concept and schema open bravo pos free pos software is design for touchscreen pos metode, with new version and complete features you can use unicenta or chromispos if you need complete features.

And for update technology reason you can use this software on clouds mode, how this work and how to using clouds mode ?? of course you need to create mysql cloud databased then integration with desktop software, with this procedure you can using unicenta on online mode. you can work with many desktop terminal integration with mysql clouds db. this procedure make simple and easy for boss owner to monitoring bussiness shop or restaurant, just install unicenta on your device and check all report details using windows tab or laptop anywhere.

On this post we wana to show build dan develope unicenta pos clouds with admin backoffice dashboard, no need wory we have develope unicenta dashboard backoffice admin with full source code you can download it and install on your host, for first project we develope with angular modern web app, then if you familiar and like react you can download we source code with react.
Angular Source React Source
Just follow procedure installation and now you can use backoffice dashboard for free to check all data and report on backoffice dashboard.you can convert to android apk if you needed, just download free source code you can see we have develope android apk too..
And now if you need a premium version you can use we unicentapos clouds all in one website content management system, unicenta beautyfull desktop custom UI version , backoffice dashboard admin web apps ,and android application frontend for your customer and backend for staff work use this apps.
Unicenta dekstop version

The database in this menu you can input and register all database on your restaurant or shop, like customer, supplier, warehouse location, and more..

Menu and stock, you can insert and register edit your food drink menu;s and product too on this features, you can use many features like variant, combination or combo menu and others what you need.

For report details you can open report menu for check all report what you needed.

For restaurant and cafe if you use table system, so you can work and create transaction with table mode.

For shop or fastfood you can use transaction without table, just select categories group product and select product or menu then create transaction point of sale.

Multi payment support, you can use many payment method like cash, debt, card and more in here. then click ok, and receipt print will be print out transaction

You can create return or edit customer transaction point of sale

Cash in out transaction, you can create cash flow in here, like out cash for something payment, or others.

Close cash cashier transaction will be include.

Check in out support for attendance.
All features of unicenta desktop version with modern UI design for point of sale transaction desktop terminal, so for touch and mobile you need to develope backend admin , this schema using mysql clouds databased for API, so let's se how premium version unicenta clouds web apps work
Unicenta web app premium version
On this premium version is a integration with destkop software unicenta and dashboard backoffice admin for report details include content management system so you can build and develope website for your bussiness with this apps.
Play the video and see how this web app work , you can check report unicentapos and create develope website with your own, and of course digital menu is ready , on this digital menu or product will displaying all product on unicentapos , you can edit home page , about page, blog, promotion, event and contact page, all in one website application integration with unicenta opos desktop software.
With responsive display so you can accsess it from desktop or mobile version with your android smartphone, and of course we have develope apk android too.. for make simple integration and work using this web apps.

Secure with username and password protection for accsessing website application admin dashboard.

Homepage with many features for work, you can update website or check report details unincentapos backoffice admin.

Navbar menu for fast create and update website or check detailed report .

Website menu for edit update create new or delete article for website like home , about, event , blog, and contact, for menu or product page automaticly fetch your all products from unicenta desktop software with integration whatsapp order.

On data you can chek all report about inventori management like qty stock , cost price, pricelist and update your stock inventori management.

Office menu : you can check income report details in here, like income today total qty sold out, total profit , income profit periode with start and end date you can customise for displaying report with you needed , cash flow and close cash report.
Frontend website unicenta opos web apps
After create and update article like homepage, about page, event agenda, blog , and contact so all your article will displaying on frontend website unicenta pos website.

Home page menu area display ,on backend you can find edit and create new this article on website - homepage features

About page menu area display, on backend you can find edit and create new this article on website - about features

Menu Products page menu area integration with your unicentapos desktop software and automaticly will displaying all products menu on this page.

Promotion page, with easy and fast you can create and update about promotion info on this page area menu.

Create or Update event information on event page area and automaticly your article is displaying on this page.

Blog information , let's to be blogger with create new article and information on blog page area.

Article Page display after click on content page.

Contact Page display
Yeah.. this is all in one modern website integration with unicentapos desktop software make powerfull for online mode.
Schema unicenta opos web apps android apk integration clouds base
With this web app, you can easy for integration all in one technology for support your bussiness management.

APK androdid is ready for work using apk android on smartphone android, so you can accsess unicenta android application and start work on this apps.

The power of technology, with all in one integration make blast fast desktop software for cashier transaction , APK android for mobile apps work and check report using android smartphone ,and backoffice web app admin for accsessing from anydevice with clouds installation web app make easy and simple for accsess using multi device platform like desktop, smartphone, multi os linux, windows, ios and others.

Touch with web app , not just an application but you can build and develope modern website using this apps.

Fully integration with new modern technology for develope a unicenta opos clouds base.

This time to update , upgrade your unicenta desktop clasic software to be modern apps and Get Started now use modern web app technology.
Need a demo ?? just download unicenta opos APK android and Test Drive now.
Download APKAfter download unicentapos apk android you need to installed on your android smartphone, for first make sure you have change setting with activate unknown source, then install this android apk, or play video how to install this apk.
Need more information you can chat on whatsapp with we team.