14 Jul 2021
Restaurant POS free download source code
Free Restaurant POS source code download gratis
This time for source code again... now we have develope a restaurant point of sale apps, with this source code you can download it free gratis, and of course you can change all code with you needed. design with modern UI dashboard admin include point of sale system, this apps help you for easy pos transaction.
Yapp,,, cool and fun on design interface make this apps is elegant with unique design, and with clouds base you can work and accsess this apps from any device platform like desktop laptop windows , android smartphone or iphone and others.

Oke... let's get started now.....
Offline mode : for first like i said before, you need third party apps , so download xampp , after download you can install xampp , and click automatic run apache and mysql services on setting, then open your web browser and accsess localhost/phpmyadmin - create user and password if you need, or leave it if you wan to install this apps with default user on your terminal. then create new database name it with funresto.
Download source code :
Github Repo
Open on C:xampp/htdocs and create new folder name it with funresto - Extract free source code gratis file and paste it on your C:xampp/htdocs/funresto
Now we need to back again to localhost/phpmyadmin , and open your fun resto database - and click import - then select mysql database on C:xampp/htdocs/funresto and click import. alright you have done to create a database for this apps, now we need to configure connection for interaction Restaurant POS free download source code with database, just open again on your funresto folder, and open connect.php with text edito like notepad ++ or donwload here →. now you need to change connection just configure with your user and password, if you not change and new fresh install xampp you can skip this step. change on include/connect.php folder to.. and configure againts with your user and password on xampp. thats it... you have done connect the database with this apps. now you can accsess apps just visit web browser and visit localhost/funresto . and congratulations you have successfuly installation progress..
Clouds Online Mode : you need to order clouds hosting on any hosting provider , and make sure you have domain too.. for install this clouds restaurant application, now you need to login on cpanel hosting, then accsess and open public_html folder create new folder and name it with funresto - upload Restaurant POS free download source code in this folder. next step same offline installation you need to create a new mysql database on your cpanel hosting, create new and name it with funresto, example for hosting mysql database like this username_funresto , then don't forget to create accsess for user integration user with database and check ALL PRIVILEGES then save it. after this we need to configure connection on public_html/funresto/connect.php and public_html/funresto/include/connect.php change connection like username and password with your clouds hosting account, and... congratulations your new web app is already to use.
for accsess web app you need open on https://yourdomain.com/funresto.
or you can play video example how to create new database
Video for create new mysql database
Video how to import mysql database
Hell yeah... now you can accsess and login on your web application , after visit home page you can see login page, now you can login with username : admin and password : admin, you can change password after login on apps.

Fun design on login page area right :D
for login you can user admin for admin , or login with username : kasir and password : kasir for cashier transaction staff.

Now after login you can see dashbaord area, with slidebar menu for work with Restaurant POS free download source code gratis. you can accsess al features by click on menu you needed. for first we need to see user staff

in this area you can see accsess role page.

Now you can accsess on account modules for change password login in here.

Just click edit and change username password with you needed for login on apps.

And you can accsess on table for register restaurant cafe table in here.

Click on plus button then insert and input table with you needed.

After create and register table now we need to input food and drink menu, just click on menu features on slidebar.

Click on plus icon then insert food and drink menu details in here select categories group for food, ice, hot , snack and others menu group in here, don't forget to input sell price too..

After input all data table and menu , now you ready for create cashier transaction. just click on group food and drink menu, then select menu and input qty click on select.

Now for make payment and save transaction you can click on payment, then input cash and save it.

Oke next you can check all report details, just click on report and see all report transaction in here.
Bravo... you have complete use this apps, and we hope with this apps help for supporting your restaurant cafe bussiness.
make a contribution by sharing our application with the world through your social media or voluntary donations to our account so we can give the best for you again.
Donate Now
ANd of course this web app is work perfectly with point of sale hardware device and terminal you can check video demo
And if you need our premium application with cheap price and complete features you can check all application we have develope in hereWeb Apps POS Hardware