18 Oct 2021
Gatsby build long and stuck - solved
Solved Problem - Gatsby build long and stuck
Gatsby is a one of my fav framework , with react helmet gatsby make your website powerfull on SEO , fast for build static site this way ,why i sould gatsby of my favorite fw, but... sometimes i have a trouble with build function, in another case i have develope and run my project everything is work perfectly , and now i have a new project use gatsby , then i run ongatsby develop
everything is normal, but if i run gatsby build
i have an error with long and stuck on progress build. what happen't ??. then i need to try and build on clouds , yap... you can use gatsby cloud or netlify, vercel, heroku and cloudflare pages,firebase and more... just upload your code on repo and run in cloud.For first i test to deploy on vercel , yap,, for deploy gatsby app you need to integration with your github repo, just upload source code file on github then select on vercel create new project and select your github repo, then click deploy...
Well on my case i have same problem with local deploy, if i run
gatsby build
then the process takes a long time and is stuck on success Caching JavaScript and CSS webpack compilation . then error on progress build because long time for build apps.If you have this case for first you need check all your source code file or you can run
gatsby clean
then you can run gatsby develop
now you can test again with build proccessing just run gatsby build
. if you have same error, on my case i have a check on image folder then delete all unusefull files. then try run build again and viola... my gatsby site is success run on clouds.well mayb this article can help you for solved about Gatsby build long and stuck.
If you have this problem so you can check all source code and delete all files unused. then run build.

Yap gaess.. pada artikel kali ini kita akan ngebahas ini masalah mengenai proses pembangunan dari si gats , gat salah satu favorit saya loh untuk bangun project dengan web modern yang bersifat statis, dan kebetulan saya lebih suka statis site dari pada dinamis sih.. dari dulu itu mah.. nah sekarang saya mau share nih mengenai kenapa sih proses gatsby build lama banget dan error akhirnya...
Yuk cek Gatsby Site
dan setelah sekian purnama... oh my gosss.... error gaess... apa kagak muntab tuh.. bikin lama pas uda jadi dan ready eh malah error, aku cek bagian deploy nya sih kagak ada eror nya, terus search ke stackoverflow sampai gatsby forum bener bener gak bisa nyelesain masalah, nah akhirnya inisiatif deh cek semua coddingan, dan logika nya kalau develop bisa berarti gak ada yang salah dong ama koddingan aku,, nah akhirnya aku cek pada file image folder , disana aku bantai semua file file yang gak aku pakai... dan akhirnya aku coba redploy lagi... and..... suksessss.....
Kampret banget gak.. bayangin aja kalau aku misalnya beneran cek all source code aku, eh gak tau nya cuma delete file image doang sudah sukses proses deploy nya.. masalah nya lagi pada error nya tuh gak dikasih tau kamu ada salah dimana gitu, jadinya cari kesalahan kita sendiri ada dimana itu, bagai mencari jarum di tumpukan jemari, eh salah.. jerami.. yap sekian aja deh share untuk solved problem ini, mudah mudahan bisa ngebantu kamu yang nemuin kasus sama kek gini ya...
Article about Solved Problem - Gatsby build long and stuck .