22 Nov 2021
Source code symfony gratis free download web app themes
Built website with symfony + source code gratis download
Helloo world again... on this article we wana to share a project web app develope using symfony new version, on this project we will learn about symfony, yap.. symfony is popular framework on php with laravel and code igniter many developer using this apps, on this source code you can download it free gratis , so you can change all code with you needed, of course you can learn about how symfony work, on this project we not use a databased connection like mysql or sqlite so we create a static website using this framework, no need wory because you can simple and easy for change any content article and all..
Concept : we use a dark mode themes including landing page design, for create a detail information about product service and all for your website, on this design is very responsive because we have injection a bootstrap css style, so we can accsessing with multi devices, like desktop mode, mobile phone if using smartphone and others, then we have insert icon using fontawesome too..
Yeah.. we have deploy this project so you can test drive with cek a demo in here visit now : https://resto.axcora.com .
Oke if you need to see a design page , here we go...

This is a home page area with landing page and dark mode absolutley... on this page we have slice with cover area, content area, title , description , section and more..
Baiklah wan kawan man teman kita jumpa lagi... yap pada kali ini di pagi ini dan di hari ini kita akan bagiin nih sebuah sample web app untuk kamu gunain dalam membuat website dengan mudah menggunakan symfony , ya.. kita tau lah selain si lara si symfo nih yang cukup banyak digunain developer dunia khusus nya dalam pengembangan berbagai project nya ya.. terkenal akan kestabilan keamanan system dan banyak lagi, ini yang membuat framework ini sendiri banyak digunakan oleh content management system modern yang sudah terkenal loh, sebut aja ada drupal , grav ,joomla, page kit , dan banyak lagi.. apa gak makin keren tu gaess... selain itu kita tau lah dengan cms diatas itu lord dan mewah dalam digunain buat website kamu , dan bisa jadi alternatif dari wordpress yess... ini lah alasan kenapa kita buat nih kode sumber terbuka untuk digunain dalam mengembangkan situs kamu, tentunya kita sambil belajar bareng yes kaka....
dan bersiaplah di sc ini kita gak pakek namanya database, jadi konsep kita menggunain statis aja deh tapi makai symfo ini juga kaka... nah kalau kamu butuh yang makai database sqlite misalnya kamu bisa unduh dan download gratis di source code gallery kami disana nanti ada blog versi 1 dan 2 yang bisa kamu pilih sesuai ama kebutuhan kamu aja.
Baiklah kembali ke laptop, walau non db dan full coding disini kamu gak perlu kawatir deh untuk ngeganti content dan image sesuai kebutuhan kamu , karena semua nya sudah kita siapkan untuk ngemudahin kamu, jadi tinggal gonta ganti text doang kok kaka.. simple banget deh pokok nya,konsep skema dari template sudah ready tersusun rapi sih.. terus untuk edit content dan image atau mengganti isi dalaman dari situs kamu , maka kita tinggal edit pada controller nya aja, nah simple kan kaka.... oke dilanjut.....
Cek pada gambar diatas.. yes.. tampilan nya seperti itu kaka... keren kan dengan dark mode nya gelap remang remang kaka... awas jangan pacaran disini loh ya , nanti di ganggu mbak kunti loh.. awokwokwok..... nah di desain itu kan kita nerapin landing ya.. so semua isi disitu sudah kita generate pada tema nya, jadi nya kamu gak perlu bingung oprek kodingan cukup masuk ke kontroler doang dan ubah semua gambar , video embed youtube sampek content artikel disana semua yess....

A services area, on this page you can upload and publish your service with fast and easy no needed to change a code you just need to accsess on defaultcontroller then you can see on home area menu then edit with you needed in here.
dan ini adalah desain tampilan dari halaman layanan kamu, jadi kamu bisa deh upload dan publish semua layanan kamu dimenu ini .

Product page , this is area for displaying and publish your product , so you can upload image gallery for product, create an information about your product, and embed your video from youtube. on bottom area you can use this section for inform a spesifaction produt or other with you needed.
dan wan kawan ini adalah halaman jualan kamu , jadi kamu bisa ganti deh semua nya sesuai dengan barang yang kamu jual disini, ganti apapun sesuai kebutuhan kamu dan jangan lupe simpen ye kakak....

Content article page area, so.. after you visitor website click on your service menu so automaticly will be redirect on content article, like on image an example for article pages, on this area so you can infor about your article content in here, of course you can change image too...
jadi disini adalah area untuk ngeblog kamu kaka, ini adalah contoh halaman blogging kamu, nantinya kalau pengunjung situs kamu klik salah satu layanan maka akan masuk disini, semua ada dikoding nya ya kalau misal mau buat halaman baru tinggal ikutin kodingan sebelumnnya, sekalina belajar koding sikit sikit kaka... lanjott....

Navigation menu, of course you have a navigation menu on your site, using modal by bootstrap make your menu is unique , if you need to change this navbar header so you can accssess and change code on widget folder .
dan kaka sekalian ini adalah menu navigasi yang ngebantu pengunjung situs mu untuk akses ke halaman lain nya, jadi kamu bisa ganti juga sesuaiin dengan kebutuhan kamu aja disini. dan simpen jangan lupa loh..
Allright now how to download and work with this Source code symfony gratis free download web app themes ?? oke here we go.... get started now.......
baiklah kaka kaka sekalian perhatiin cara installasi nya ya ikutin aja deh sesuai ama petunjuk nya yess...
For first we need to download composer , node , and symfony because we need to work with third party apps, so download now and install on your device.
Composer download →
you can download and installing composer on your terminal device, then you can check composer version on your device with open shell terminal or command prompt then run
composer -V
if composer displaying on version , congratulation now you have install composer on your devices. then next step....
Node download →
now we need to download node js so download and install it on your device, then after installation you can check with open comand prompt then run this code and press enter
node -v
and you can check npm too.. with run npm -v
and then if your shell terminal displaying a version now you have successfully installing node on your devices.oke next step.......
Symfony download →
Alright now we need to install symfony , so download and install it on your device. after installation success now you need to check about symfony version you have install, so open shell terminal or command prompt then run this code and press enter
symfony -v
and if shell terminal displaying a symfony version congratulation now you have install all third party apps for work with this source code.
Baiklah wan kawan man teman setelah ikuti panduan diatas ya cuma unduh aja kok, gampang banget kan sesuai kan unduhan sama OS kalian gunain , terus ya nantinya kita tinggal kerjakan dan jalanin ini project ke local dulu nanti kalau uda selesai semua nantinya kita bakalan kasih tau juga gimana caranya upload ke shared atau cloud hosting kalian, makin keren nih buat web kamu makai symfony yess...
Oke now we have install all third party we need to work with this Source code symfony gratis free download web app themes , then we can download this source code project for free on our github repo, you can download or fork using git with you needed. let's get started.
Github Download
Need to clone / fork ?? just run this..
git clone https://github.com/mesinkasir/symfonywebapp.git
oke now we have download all we needed to run this project, so for first you can create a new folder name it with symfonyweb then locate this folder on your desktop , open download folder and extact and copy all files from download folder to your new project folder symfonyweb on desktop, then open your shell terminal or command prompt, you can run this code
cd C:\Users\pcname\Desktop\symfonyweb
change pc name with your pc name, oke now we have touch this project folder rigtht.. sound good... now we can run installation using composer, so you can run command composer install
and wait after installation successfully.. oke now we can run this project using symfony , so you just need to run symfony serve
then open localhost:8000 on your web browser.. congratulations now you have successfully run this Source code symfony gratis free download web app themes on your local machine. Dan wan kawan selamat ya setelah ngikuti langkah diatas kini situs kamu sudah bisa diakses dan digunakan di localhost kamu yess... intinya ikutin petunjuk bagaimana installasi nya di atas ya.. maka niscaya kamu akan bercahaya.. baik lah seperti kita janjiin ya.. kita cuma ganti artikel dan lain lain hanya via controller tanpa sentuh template nya makin keren kagak tuh gaes... ya secara struktur sudah kita tata serapi mungkin untuk kemudahan bekerja dengan kode sumber terbuka ini,penasaran gimana oprek article dan mengganti seluruh tampilan nya.... cek dimari kaka........

Change index area - allright after we have installation now how to change article content and other with you needed right, so with this source code you no need to change template codding, just change text area only on controller.. just simple and very easy so you can visit and open your project folder symfonyweb/src/Controller now you can open DefaultController.php file with your code editor , if you need to download code editor for change and edit this files so you can download visual code studio →.
select your OS then click on download and install vs code on your devices. then we can open this file and change with you needed in here. for example like image, you can see this is an area for homepage with index files, then you can change title , description, and other on index page area with you needed.. just edit and change all with your own in here.
so wan kawan man teman jadi seperti kita liat pada gambar diatas ya.. itu adalah tampilan dari halaman utama beranda ketika kamu akses awal . jadi kalau kamu pengen nih ganti artikel gambar dengan kebutuhan mu, tinggal edit aja disini yak.. terus lanjutin deh ama kebutuhan kamu untuk mengganti keseluruhan halaman utama beranda kamu disini. kalau uda jangan lupa klik ctrl+s simpan maksud nya kaka, dan refresh page kamu akan berubah sesuai update yang kamu lakuin, sim salabim yess...

Change another page - oke after your finished to change and update or edit home page area with you needed then you can scroll down, you can see public function product - this is for change area on product page, so if you need to change other page you can see public function only, then you can change for example product page, techno page and other page justy look at public function you need to edit, so change all then save update. and you can visit localhost:8000 on web browser, or refresh browser for change update. congratulations now you have successfully built a modern and new webiste using symfony framework.
Baiklah wan kawan teman teman, tadi kita kan ngebahas mengenai halaman utama kan ya, nah sekarang gimane nih ngab kalau kita mau ganti halaman lain nya ?? jangan kawatir kamu ikuti petunjuk diatas yang ngebahas public function dan kamu perhatiin deh ada beberapa page disana kan.. jadi kalau misal kamu mau ganti halaman techno ya cari yang public function techno terus kamu ganti deh seusai kebutuhan mu untuk buat website terbaru dan canggih spektakuler ini.. dan jangan lupa simpen yaa.....

Oke we have finish a development project in localhost right.. now how i can cloud this website on my shared or cloud hosting,no need wory this just simple and easy to upload and run your site on cpanel hosting, so for first we need to extact to zip all project folder , next you can visit on your cpanel hosting, just login with your username and password, then you can click on file manager . now if you wana to install and run this project with your domain.com so you just need to upload on your public_html folder. and if you need to install on another directori so you can create a new folder first in public_html then name it with your site, for example symfonyweb then next we can see and accsess your site on yourdomain.com/symfonyweb. The if you need to install on sub domain , so you can create new sub domain and name it this sub domain for example we have deploy this porject on resto.axcora.com so i create new sub domain with resto name, then in cpanel hosting just click home area on file manager then you can see your subdomain folder in here for example : resto.axcora.com.
Allright now you can open folder where you need to install this Source code symfony gratis free download web app themes , then click on upload and select your source code zip file . after upload progress success now you can extract it. and congratulations now you site is ready on cloud . just visit yourdomain.com/public... wohoo... your site is live now.... sound good right....
But wait... why in my website is displaying symfony debug bar ?? how to remove this symfony debug bar ?? oke now if you need to remove debug bar so you can visit on cpanel hosting , then open file manager , open your project folder, then config/packages/dev/webprofiler and now you need to change a code from true to false, a complete code like this
toolbar: false
intercept_redirects: false
profiler: { only_exceptions: false }
You can copy and paste on your webprofiler files then save it.
Now visit and open your website so debug bar is gone now...
Congratulations my man you have deploy modern site using symfony framework.. and if you need to build blog using symfony , we have develope two project version for blogging platform so you can download in here..
Symfony blog version 1 free download source code →
Symfony blog version 2 free download source code →
or you can see Source code project gallery →
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