18 Apr 2022
Cute blog astro generator static site modern SEO website
Free website template cute blog for astro modern generator static site
Cute blog is a theme for astro modern static site generator, this new generation helps you create a fast and full site with SEO support, this is because it automatically renders the title and description of your blog, so it's easier and faster to focus on article content. in working with it.Cute blog adalah sebuah tema untuk astro generator static site modern , yap generasi baru ini membantu kamu dalam membuat situs cepat dan penuh dengan dukungan SEO nya, ini karena secara otomatis merender judul dan deksripsi dari blog kamu, jadi lebih mudah dan cepat fokus pada konten artikel dalam bekerja menggunakan nya.

And of course the uniquely attractive design is part of the development of a free open source for you to download, with a cute appearance that will certainly add to its own sensation for site visitors. various emojis also add to the more attractive this theme for you to use blogging.
Dan tentunya desain yang unik menarik menjadi bagian dari pengembangan sebuah sumber terbuka gratis untuk kamu unduh ini, dengan tampilan yang imut tentu akan menambah sensasi tersendiri bagi para pengunjung situs. aneka emoji pun menambah semakin menarik tema ini untuk kamu gunakan ngeblog.
Theme Display
Play video and see how cute this blog for you....png
Home page - this is the homepage display of the main page, with the ease of displaying all articles on the homepage will help the site to be more SEO strong and make it easier for readers to choose the articles they like. Of course this provides a positive value for your website.
The blog format is cute in appearance, plus emoji support in the title, description and publishing date.
Beranda - ini adalah tampilan beranda halaman utama , dengan kemudahan menampilkan semua artikel pada beranda akan membantu situs untuk semakin kuat akan SEO dan membudahkan pembaca untuk memilih artikel yang disukai nya. tentu saja ini memberikan nilai positif untuk website mu.
Format blog yang imut pada tampilan nya, plus dukungan emoji pada judul, deskripsi dan tanggal penerbitan .
Blog post and we will see this cool look, like the latest era of the site with the card model added to make it more unique for your site development, besides that, the back screen display of this image will add sweetness when the blog post article is read by visitors. complete with information for the google crawler engine with title, description and published date accompanied by emojis will help in full SEO support and an attractive appearance.
Postingan blog - dan kita akan melihat tampilan yang keren ini, seperti era situs terbaru dengan model kartu ditambahkan menjadi kan nya lebih unik untuk pengembangan situs mu, selain itu juga tampilan layar belakang gambar ini akan menambah pemanis saat artikel postingan blog dibaca oleh pengunjung. lengkap dengan informasi untuk mesin perayapan google dengan judul , deskripsi dan tanggal diterbitkan yang dilengkapi dengan emoji akan membantu dalam dukungan penuh SEO dan tampilan yang menarik.
Mobile - And of course it already supports mobile viewing for access from mobile devices, so this theme is not only applicable on desktops but also on smart phones when accessing your site's blog page. with the latest technology with its speed and SEO support.
Dan tentu saja sudah mendukung tampilan mobile untuk akses dari perangkat ponsel , jadi tema ini bukan sekedar berlaku pada desktop saja tetapi juga pada selular pintar saat mengakses halaman blog situs anda.jadi tunggu apalagi segera unduh dan gunakan tema gratis kode sumber terbuka untuk astro membangun situs dengan teknologi terbaru dengan dukungan kecepatan dan SEO nya.
Github download
CLone using npm - run command
git clone https://github.com/mesinkasir/cute-blog.git
For first we need download third party app for installing and run this source code project , we need to download node before run and install this web app on server, so download node now →After download node you need to install node on your devices, so install node , then you can check node version using shell terminal or command prompt with run
node -v
of course you can check npm version too with run npm -v
Oke now you can visit on desktop pc - create new folder and name folder with your project for example cuteblog, then extract all file download on new folder / cuteblog. Now we need to install this source code free download template for astro generator static site, you can open command prompt just push windows logo on keyboard and typing cmd, now shell terminal or command prompt is ready for work, for first we need to locate on your project folder so you can run command
cd C:\Users\pcname\Desktop\cuteblog
.now you can check all files in this folder with run command
, now we can run installation with command npm install
. after installation success you can see you have new folder node_modules, and now your web app is ready for deploy on your local server, for test and run on local server you can run npm start
, then you can visit on localhost:3000 via web browser , and congratulation now you have successfully installing cute blog on your devices.
Setting configuration and article
After you have success installing and run on your local device, now you need to configuration SEO, for title you can open source code project files, because we need editing code so you must have code editor, you can download code editor for open all files source code, so you can download code editor like visual code studio for complete features , download visual code →or you can download notepad ++ for light and slim code editor, download notepad++ →
You can install code editor after you download it, then you can open folder on src/pages/index.astro - now you can change title and description meta for your site, then for create article post you can copy and paste sample article blog file on src/pages/post folder, and remember you need to name it with myarticle.md files.
Format article files you need to know
setup: |
import Layout from '../../layouts/BlogPost.astro' # this layout for template by default
title: title for your blog
publishDate: input publish date format 15 April 2022
cover: insert url image here
description: Download source code website and blog build with astro by cute blog.
Now you can write article using markdown or html in here...
Markdown typograhy example
h1 #
h2 use ##
h3 use ###
h4 use ####
h5 use #####
for list ul or li use +
Link url href use [this is link](https://url)
image with link [](https://urllink)
Oke make sure you have finishing setting and update article content, now you ready to deploy your site on cloud hosting.
Deploy on cloud Hosting
oke after you have finished your cute blog project now you can deploy it on cloud static site hosting, for first you need build this web app for publishing production so you can open shell terminal and run commandnpm run build
after building progress now you can see dist folder, you can visit on dist folder and push or deploy on firebase or surge. how to deploy on firebase you can visit firebase documentation →,for surge you can install surge globaly on your device, so run command surge
then register with your email and push your source code files to surge. congratulations now you modern site build with astro is live.Can i install and run on cpanel hosting ?? of course you can install and deploy it on cpanel hosting, but you need install project on root folder, you can use subdomain or use main domain for deploy it.but once again deploy in cpanel hosting or php hosting is not recommended.
Or you can use github repo and integrated with netlify / vercel / heroku.
for first you can register on github and heroku or vercel, then create new repo project on github - push your source code on new repo. then login on heroku or vercel create new project, name it with your site and then you can integration with repo on github, and congratulations now you website is live.
Premium version
If we have develope premium version if you needed, check a display.png
Home page with modern design and full color, this is a official website for cute blog you can visit on https://cuteblog.web.app and test drive how cute this design.
on home page you can see many emoji and section article in here with landing page. if you buy this premium version of course you can easy for change code, because we have develope with easy for user use. no hardcode in this template, so you not need to change any code html .
Blog post - yeah this is a blog post, in this page all your blog post in markdown format will displaying in this page. with unique design including emoji very perfect for use this template build your modern website.
Article page, then you can see article page display like this. use card modern style with cute typography .so order premium template and update your webiste using astro now.
Source code live codding
You can run this source code how easy work with cute blog astro template. open source code in here and change with you needed.BONUS CONTENT !!
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