New Astro landing page template free download full source code gratis

Astro build a new modern generator static for landing page SEO website and blog download now

If you need to build modern website with fast and powerfull of SEO so you can use astro for build your website or blog, on this post article we have share about landing page template for astro, with unique design including auto SEO for your landing page web and blog. and we share how to deploy and install it astro landing page on host.. oke so let's get started now....
Dan wan kawan man teman pada episode kali ini.. ceileh... kayak pilm mahabaratha aja lu ndro.... 🤣 , dan ya di proyek kali ini kita akan ngebagiin gratis landing page desain untuk asro. sebuah generator static modern yang ngebantu mu untuk ngebuat website lebih cepet dan seo di dalam nya, dan beda ama artikel sebelum nya yang kita kebanyakan menggunakan markdown maka pada kali ini kita akan menggunakan json file makin keren kagak tuh kaka... baiklah kita mulai....

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With astro you can build a website and blog fast on cloud, on this sourcecode we have shared so you can download it for free, before we have develop using markdown format and blog design right, so on this project we create a new concept with landing page and json for create and update post, so you can learn about how to work with astro.
So download now and get started build modern web with astro.
Download on our github repo
Github Download
or clone it use terminal with run
git clone
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We no need to install this on local device so we can install this source code on cloud , that's mean we install sourcecode project live on cloud hosting. how do that ?? so follow this step...
For deploy and make your website online for fast solutions you can create and register on github then login with your account, so create your github account now, visit on register or signup , input form with your ID , and login . now you can visit on our github repo then you can fork repo icon or click in this button fork it
After fork it repo button now you can see cuteblog is already on your repo, so you can use this repo then deply on host, for first we need to register on netlify, heroku or vercel, register with github account and login, now you can create new project or site, just click new site or project then select from your github and select cuteblog repo, then deploy it... that's it... simple right..
oke now you can change domain name with your own, just click on setting then change domain with you needed and save it. for update article and post you can visit on src/pages/data/ then you can all json files in here, for change home you can edit demo.json.ts file with code editor, and edit all files with you needed and save it for update your New Astro landing page template free download full source code gratis

Baiklah man tema dan wan kawan mas bro serta mbak sis sebangsa tanah air, kali ini kita tidak lagi install ke lokal ya, karna ada request dari mereka yang sedikit memahami pengkoddingan dan ingin ngegunain teknologi terbaru dengan cara se sederhana mungkin maka untuk itulah kita langsung ngegunaain cara otomatis tanpa ribet dan super cepet gaes... baiklah untuk awal kalian musti daftar dulu ke github, setelah login ke github, kalau uda kini kita tinggal register dulu ke netlify,vercel atau heroku. nah buat rregistrasi menggunakan akun github kamu ya, kalau uda kini kita tinggal akses ke repo source code ini di dan kalian liat disisi kanan atas ada fork nah sentuh itu tombol nya ya, atau kamu tekan aja deh tombol ini supaya cepet fork it . nah nanti secara otomatis itu source code sudah jadi milikmu... cie cie.. selamat ya... nah langkah selanjutnya apa....?? ya kamu tinggal login ke akun host seperti vercel, heroku, netlify tadi, terus buat lah prject / site baru namai dengan nama situs blog web mu, lalu integrasikan dengan github mu dan pilih repo github yaitu namanya astro-landingpage-bang , dan klik deploy...
wah... selamat kamu keren bisa langsung online web modern kamu yes... apa lagi ngegunain astro mantab deh pokoknya... lanjut gimana cara mengganti dan update artikel nya , kamu tinggal buka di repo github kamu ya.. masuk ke folder ini src/pages/data/ nah nanti ada tuh json file nah kita bisa open aja lalu edit langsung aja di github, dan ganti deh sesuai in ama kebutuhan mu. simple kan.. gak pakek kodang koding.. wkwkwk.... selamat mencoba gaess.... dan semoga bermanfaat.
IF you need to learn you can run this project on live codding editor, change any code with your own , so let's get started now.
Note : open using google chrome browser for run this project.

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