22 Jul 2022
Limousine website template with astro free download source code
Limousine website template with astro free download source code
Free download limousine website template themes full SEO built with new technology ASTRO !! full source code gratis.
A project for car service and limousine service or party bus service, so you can use this template for help you to boost up your site on google. we have develope using modern Static Site Generator SSG technology with astro. so on this source code you can change any code and all with you needed.. astro is a modern SSG and is on the rise, widely used by developers, because of its ease of integration with various technologies in its use.Very fast and of course include with auto SEO injection make your site powerfull and make loved by google.Not only for car and limousine services or rent car, but you can also use it and customize it to the needs of your site, so whatever your line of business you can use this theme for free. You can use it for your personal blog and more...
So before we start let's see how this project works...
Lighthouse score - We've tested it at the lighthouse, and you can see we're getting pretty good scores and perfect with SEO and site optimization rules. with mobile speed and peform touch on 92 score, then we have full 100% score on accessbility , Best Practices , and SEO.This will really help you in optimizing your site. oke after check lighthouse, now we can move to see the design.
Home page view - on the main page view, here there is already a view with the site cover, title and description, then all articles will be accommodated in the post update section. Of course, it will make it easier to provide information to users and visitors to your site.and then visitors can read the title and description of each article here, when clicking on one of the articles will be directed to the detail page of the article content.
Post page display - On post article will displaying cover, title, description and content about your article page in here. so your visitor can read detail about your article content information .
oke now you can download this source code for free gratis !! and get start built modern website using astro SSG.
Github Download
or you can clone our repo using terminal, just run
git clone https://github.com/mesinkasir/astro-starter-limo.git
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before install this source code , we need to install third party app, because we need to work with node, and code editor , so you can download this list
Node Download →
Visual Code Studio Download →
After download all third party app, now you can install it and run on your device, when node installation success , so you can check with open terminal, just open command prompt - push windows logo - type cmd. then run
node -v
this is for check node version you have install on your device, then you can check npm version too with run npm -v
.Oke after node have install it on your device, now we can visit on desktop , then create new folder for your project, and name it with astrolimo - then move all open source code project to this folder. now we need to accsess astrolimo folder using terminal, so open terminal and run
, need to change pcname with your pc name , then you can run installation using node , just run command npm install
after installation success, now you can open this project with your visual code studio, back to terminal and run this command code .
, then visual code studio will be opened Limousine website template with astro free download source code project. oke.. now we need to run this project, no need wory because astro using live hot reload, so all code your change will be update on your server, back to terminal again now you can run npm run dev
then visit on localhost:3000 on your web browser.. and congraulations.... now your limousine website is run on your local device...!!PROJECT STRUCTURE
For change display you can visit on src/layout.. you can change template with your code in here...
For change and create new content or delete content article so you can visit on src/pages/posts/ then you can open one file and edit with your content, and you can rename url too.. just rename .md file in here... for create new you can create new file and name it with yourpageurl.md then you can copy and paste from example page in here, and change all title, description and content with your own. then save it for update data.
By default astro has automatic SEO injection, so you can only fill in the title and description, later astro will automatically convert it into a meta tag for your SEO needs.with this concept it will really make it easier for you to focus on the content of your article, because all SEO is handled automatically by astro.
After you have finished the project, so you can build for production mode and deploy or push on your hosting, so you can run command
npm run build
then you can push dist folder on your hosting. and congratulations.. your site is live now...
If you need premium themes we have develope too for you.. and we have create premium themes with auto SEO for you.. just click built web button and snet your article page + image and all aseset website to us, then get started use modern website with premium themes.
Built Custom Website
If you want to live codding with our source code, so you can run this project and learn ,change code in here..
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