Free download fast website SEO car11ty Source Code full gratis

Gratis fast website SEO car11ty free download

Modern website template for car website free download source code gratis

Hello again... on this project we have develope fast website with eleventy aka 11ty a modern static site generator with SEO injection. we hope this source code can help you for build modern website with perfect peform. special for car website you can call it car11ty website template.

gaes gaess... jumpa lagi... dan ya di proyek kali ini kita akan ngebagiin sebuah kode sumber terbuka untuk membantu membangun situs cepat dan tentunya super SEO di dalam nya, dengan menggunakan eleventy 11ty untuk tujuan yang terbaik, agar tercipta peforma yang super keren dan beken untuk website mu.

Home page area will dipsplaying all your content include with cover image in here, just create new content post then automaticly your post will displaying in home page area. and if your web visitor click one content - it will go to the post detail page which contains information about your content. with black and white color make your car website very clean.

Dan pada tampilan halaman utama nya sengaja kita langsung buat all post di tampilin disini gaes.. jadi biar kagak ribet gitu, jadi tinggal buat content aja nanti otomatis di tampilin disini kaka.. kalian bisa makai markdown file untuk membuat konten yang baru yess... nanti akan kita jelasin juga cara installasi dan buat post nya kok, tenang aja gaes gaess....

And let's we run peform tester with google lighthouse.. and fantastic right !! we have perfect score !!

Yuk sekarang cek peforma nya yuk... sangat menyenangkan bukan untuk ngebantu situs mu lebih cepat dan ber SEO.


Okay before we run this project you can select two choice, first we can run and deploy live on cloud with github repo then integration with netlify, and second you can deploy offline mode on your device with download source code file.

Download Now


For cloud installation you just need to register and create account on github, then you need to use netlify for hosting , so you can register on netlify and create your account.

If you have register on github , now you need to fork or clone our github repo project, Fork Repo Now

Okay, after you fork it, now this source code project is ready on your github repo, and you can run or deploy on netlify host, login on netlify using your github account, then create new project, name the project with your own, after this you integrate with your github repo, select github repo, and select source code project, and deploy it.. that's it !! your site is live now !!

If you want to rename your site so you can change it on domain setting and change with your domain.


For offline installation to run source code project on your device, for first we need to download node js →
Install node on your device, after finish you can run terminal , or click windows logo on keyboard then typing cmd , now you will see command prompt, for check your node version you can run node -v , and for check npm version you can run npm -v

Now we need code editor to work with this project, so you can download visual code studio →
After download you can run install visual code studio on your devices.

And the last we can download source code project
Download Source Code

Okay now you can create folder on desktop and name it with car11ty , and copy all files from source code file on this car11ty folder.
Next we need to accsess this project using terminal , so you can open terminal bash, or click on windows logo then typing cmd, and run this command C:\Users\pcname\Desktop\car11ty - need to change pcname with your pc name device, after this, now we can run installation with run npm install , when installation is success, now we can run this project on your device, so you can run this command npm start , open web browser and visit localhost:8080.
congratulations now you have successfully run this project on your device.

Work with car11ty eleventy

Okay now how to work with source code , for first you no need to wory because we have injection auto SEO for you, so with this script you just focus on your content only, for change layout or template you can visit on _includes folder, for create content article, you can visit on posts folder, for create new post just create new markdown file and name it with your post, for example - , then you can follow this fontformater

title: your title in here
description: This is a description
date: 2022-12-17
- tag 1
- insert tag here
layout: layouts/post.njk #default
cover: /img/flatfile.svg # this is url image cover
btn: #thislink

insert content article post in here

okay now you can save it, for publish your site.
Now after you have finish your project, and need to make your website live, so you can create repo on github , then push on your repo, now we need to integration with static modern host like vercel, netlify, so you can register with your github account on static host ,then create new project and select your github repo - then deploy it, and congratulations, your site is online now !!

That's it !! and we hope this Gratis fast website SEO car11ty free download can help you for built fast website with eleventy 11ty.

Let's Play with cloud code - run this project and change with you needed here..

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All project we build using eleventy 11ty you can download it free too...
Mobile11ty build android and website
Bootstrap11ty powerfull blog SEO
Text11ty for blogger
Thisis11ty wordpress thesis inspired
New modern cool11ty

Mesin kasir terbaru →
All source code project free download gratis →

Text Notes Update

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Pembuatan Website Cepat dan SEO
Saatnya kini kembangkan website super cepat tanpa database dengan dukungan SEO di dalam nya.

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Mesin Kasir terbaru untuk toko minimarket dan mesin kasir restoran cafe rumah makan.

Mesin Kasir Restoran
Restoran cafe rumah makan wajib menggunakan mesin kasir ini, lengkap aplikasi software program restoran waiters kitchen kasir admin all in one.

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Buat web modern bersama kami dengan react, next, remix, gatsby , angular, svelte , blazor wasm untuk solusi terbarik pengembangan site mu.

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Aplikasi restoran cafe rumah makan super lengkap dengan kemampuan waiters , kitchen display, kasir dan admin dalam satu app integrasi website resto cafe rumah makan.

Explore Notes

Product & Services

Dukungan produk dan layanan kami untuk membantu memajukan bisnis usaha mu.

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Mesin Kasir

Pilihan mesin kasir terbaik dengan hardware pilihan.

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Pengembangan website modern technology.

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Aplikasi kerja untuk menunjang bisnis usaha mu.