25 Feb 2023
How to migrate bludit content to new site
Migrate all content article bludit flatfile cms.
Bludit is a modern flat file cms , you can built simple and fast website full SEO with many plugins from bludit developer, and yeah.. you can change any theme with you needed, and if you have a question how about migrate content article from your old website to new site, so you can use this step.

For first you need to backup all content article from old site, so open your source code project from old website, and copy all files on bl-content and make a zip files ,need to delete bl-content/databases/site.php
and bl-content/databases/users.php
then you can open on your new website hosting, ofcourse you need to install lastest and new bludit version to your hosting, after installation success now you can visit on your bludit project.and visit on bl-content and upload your backup files from old site, and extract it. that's it !!
Refresh your page and viola... you can see all your content from old site is publish in your new site.
I hope this article can help you How to migrate bludit content to new site
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