19 Aug 2020
Free download open source code gratis laravel stock apps inventori management
Free download open source code gratis laravel stock apps inventori management.

LARASTOCK : Free and open source code inventori stock management build with laravel php artisan an popular framework for build and develope website and apps.
Download Now and play video installation & tutorial →For using this apps you must need install third party apps , XAMPP : for web server & Maria db , download and install it, link donwload : https://www.apachefriends.org/index.html , COMPOSER : Link download : https://getcomposer.org/ , NPM Link download : https://nodejs.org/en/download/ or gitbash : Link download : https://git-scm.com/downloads.
download all third party and install on your local machine pc, After all installation now you must open and run xampp web server , and open localhost:/phpmyadmin create new db rename with larastock, now back to folder project again.
Copy .env example and rename with .env , open .env file and configure with your databased.
open npm / git and run.. comand :
composer install
php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed -v
php artisan key:generate
if can't install it with npm or git you can open on localhost/phpmyadmin and export larastock.sql file on your new databased.
and run
php artisan serve
open localhost:8000

login with username : [email protected] , password : 123456

after login you can see all features on larastock , you can create a categories for grouping product , product include stock qty , and phonebook too.

For first you need to create a categori group product databased, click on group categori product and create new categori , on this features you can create new, edit or de;ete categories product.

After create a categories now you can open a product databased , click add new to create new product , and edit for edit, delet for delete a product databased.

For product databased this apps is include with inventori management, so you can using this menu for update your stock quantity.and include with buy sell price.

Bonus features with phonebook.Free download open source code gratis laravel stock apps inventori management.

Be artisan with laravel php artisan, laravel is a popular framework many develeoper using laravel for build and create website or apps project, if you need build and develope website using laravel modern framework including point of sale application you can contact we team to develope and build your website + apps project all in one with laravel php artisan.
Download now for free and learn laravel.
Download Now and play video installation & tutorial →Contibution with donation for support our team dev make other source code for the world.
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