22 Aug 2020
New blog CMS symfony blog simple for blogger
New blog CMS symfony blog simple for blogger
Symfony is a modern and popular framework , symfony cms blog is develope using symfony with bootstrap make simple and fast for blogging platform,including markdown features make easy for content writer to write on his blog. So why using symfony ?? many cms and blog platform using this framework like grav modern flatfile cms , page kit , drupal , bolt , and more. symfony very complete and powerfull for create apps or website project.

Focusing for blogger make easy to write content or update article, using full symfony blog with bootstrap make your blog very fast . with fresh clean design this blog is awesome for your using to develope or build modern website blog.

With full modern and simple design for blogger make easy for visitor to read all article with detailed.

Full support with markdwon or html language make simple and fast for create blog with your codding, very fast using markdown recomended to use markdown file to write content for your website blogs.

Search features make easy to visitor to search article .

A modern blogging design with simple fresh and clean make your blog website elegant .

Multi language support make easy for multi country visitor to select language.

So lets get started build and develope modern blogging website with symfony blog cms.
Configuration and installation.
For first you must installed symfony , npm / git and composer for run this modern new blog cms platform with symfony.
Download symfony here → donwload composer → Download git → and install it on your local pc.
After download third party you can donwload New blog CMS symfony blog simple for blogger download link button . after download extract file on you project folder, and run with git just open folder project symfonyblog right click and select git here, run the command
composer install && symfony serve
After all comand success now you can open on web browser on local host terminal and visit localhost:8000, viola now your webs ite blog is live, for look demo blog you can select blog, or clik on admin to login and using this blog platform. you can using markdown or html optional to create new article, enjoy it and happy blogging.
For upload on shared host just zip file project folder and upload to your shared hosting , you can configure on env file or visit with /public directory. or redirect and conf to link with read symfony documentation.
Install on shared hosting or localhost/xampp/htdocs : Download or clone it, extract on localhost/xampp/htdocs or public_html on shared host, run composer install ,open localhost:/symfonyblog/public
or you can copy and paste all public folder to symfonyblog folder and then change on index.php files
require dirname(DIR).'/yourproject/vendor/autoload.php';
(new Dotenv())->bootEnv(dirname(DIR).'/yourproject/.env');
and open or accsess your symfony blog
Happy blogging
Indonesian language
Bagi kamu penggemar framework symfony ini ada simple blog untuk mu, mudah digunakan dan sangat simple dengan markdown style... hmm makin sempurna dan cepat untuk kebutuhan membangun dan membuat project website mu, apa yang menarik dari platform ini adalah ringan cepat dan super stabil, kenapa ringan ?? yap karena aplikasi pembuatan website dan blog ini menggunakan database sqlite so pasti wus wus deh,,, solusi terbaik untuk kebutuhan dynamis cms blog yang super cepat dan ringan mendekatkan pada SEO tentu nya karena faktor kecepatan nya.
dengan symfony framework makin keren deh untuk develope modern web blog kamu, dan ketik mengetik tinggal makai markdown makin wow aja nijh... nah ini saat nya deh update dengan platform terbaru ini untuk kamu gunaain, installasi nya tinggal cek aja deh video atau tutorial diatas, kalau kesulitan masukin komen mu deh, nanti kita balesin, fokus pada title pada dasarnya dan tidak butuh tetek bengek SEO yang bikin ribet dan pusing, cukup mengalir aja sebagai blogger untuk fokus pada content, yuk cobain gaess. .
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