24 Aug 2020
How to change homepage laravel URL redirect homepage on laravel
Change URL Laravel

Yeah laravel is a modern and popular framework on PHP , yap.. the artisan... very beautifull on codding and powerfull to develope or build your project . you can using to create a website or application. With best features make simple and fast for laravel to develope another project.
Now like on title post How to change homepage laravel URL redirect homepage on laravel to another link or page your own,cara merubah halaman url laravel ke halaman yang lain . yap.. for first you must need to change and insert a code on routes/web.php open with your code editor, insert or change code like this
Route::get('/', function () {
return view('/yoururlhere');
After insert a code you must change home controller , setelah itu rubah pada home kontroler ya.. sisipkan kode berikut . for example like this.
Route::get('/home', 'HomeController@index')->name('home');
And if you wan to redirect login page on home not on index ,so after login user automaticly redirect to your home page not on index, jadi jika kamu ingin mengganti user login ketika melakukan login otomatis kehalaman kerja maka kamu mesti lakukan hal berikut ini , so you can change a code controller on appHttpControllersAuth for example insert code like this.
use AuthenticatesUsers;/**
* Where to redirect users after login.
* @var string
protected $redirectTo = '/yoururlhere';
Finish... now you can change home url and redirect user login page on your laravel apps. and if you need free source code project with laravel you can download it, selesai sudah kamu bisa mengganti halaman utama sekaligus merdirect ketika user login di aplikasi laravel kamu, dan kalau kamu butuh source code laravel gratis download silahkan download link dibawah ini
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We hope you can solved problem How to change homepage laravel URL redirect homepage on laravel
And if you need to create a website project or online shop and point of sale application using laravel php framework , contact we team and lets talk about your laravel project. hapy codding.