axcora cashier apps Free download Gratis Open source code pos

axcora cashier apps Free download Gratis Open source code pos

Free download Gratis Open source code pos

With online installation you can work with this apps from multi device : android smartphone , iphone or pc desktop laptop windows /linux and others.

Free download gratis and open source code project so you can modify anything with your own. this apps can use for shop store, restaurant,cafe and more..

Axcora cashier apps is a simple point of sale application, easy to use and installation, just download it and run on your host or local desktop.
Features with :
Login area
Catergories Item
Item Product
Cashier Point of sale
Log out

Get started and download now on sourceforge or fork clone it on github →

How to install :
Offline mode
XAMPP must be installed on your pc desktop.
Create new folder on C:Xampp/htdocs folder name it with axcoracashier.
Extract Download file on axcoracashier folder.
Open on localhost/phpmyadmin.
create new database and name it with axcoracashier, then import axcoracashier.sql file on your mysql database.
now configuration connection on db_connect.php file open with text editor notepad ++ or vscode.
Change user and password with your phpmyadmin user, then change db with your db or skip this file is you using default php myadmin user.
Then open localhost/axcoracashier on your web browser. and axcoracashier apps is run on your terminal desktop.

Online mode Order host and domain name on provider, or you can order and online with us with cheap price. Download axcoracashierapps. Login on cpanel host - public_html. Create new folder for extract axcoracashierapps you can name it axcoracashier or pos with you needed. Extract axcoracashierapps on you project folder. Create new database and name it with axcoracashier. Open php myadmin host then import axcoracashier.sql file on your mysql database. now configuration connection on db_connect.php file and functions.php file just integrated with your server host database and user then save it . Change user and password with your phpmyadmin user host, then change db with your mysql host db . Now visit your apps with accsess on yoursite/axcoracashier congratulation now this apps is live.

Or you can play and watch video in here how to import mysql database procedures

How to download and extract on your project folder.

How to create new database on mysql.

How to import mysql databased.

How to configuration connection on db_connect.php and functions.php files.

Free download Gratis Open source code pos

First use using this apps, for first you need to login on admin backend, just visit on your web apps, then axcoracashier displaying login page, input username : axcora , password : axcorapos.

Free download Gratis Open source code pos

And you can login and work with this apps, we need to create a database at master before work on cashier, so you can click on categories menu , then input all your categories or group product and menu in here.

Free download Gratis Open source code pos

If you have finishied input categories product now you can accsess and click on product meny , then input all your product in here don't forget to save it.

Free download Gratis Open source code pos

After you have input all categories and product , now you can click on cashier for make transaction with your customer, how to use ?? just click on categories product for see all categories product, then create transaction with click on product, automaticly this apps is calculate all transaction.

We hope with axcora cashier apps Free download Gratis Open source code pos apps help your bussiness for make fast cashier transaction.

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Bisa di install via lokal offline ataupun online loh.. kalau online lebih keren nih, karena pastinya kamu bisa nggunaain program ini untuk diakses via android iphone kamu, nah super keren bukan, dan kemudahan lain nya adalah hadirnya database yang menyimpan data produk produk kamu semakin memudahkan deh.. download pada link diatas yes..

Panduan installasi dan penggunaan bisa cek di atas yak,, scroll keatas sudah lengkap ama video nya tuh,, siap digunakan... lanjut yes... apa aja sih fitur fitur nya : yang pasti ada kategori untuk mengelompokan semua produk produk kamu atau membuat grup produk,tujuan nya agar saat penjualan kasir nanti nya kamu tinggal klik aja deh produk sesuai dengan grup nya, nah nantinya software akan menampilkan detail seluruh produk berdasarkan gruping,selanjutnya ada produk data yang berguna untuk mencatat seluruh produk kamu include dengan harga nya, fungsi dari produk ini adalah saat penjualan kasir kamu tinggal klik aja kategori dan sentuh pada produk maka otomatis system apps akan menampilkan detail produk dan harga dan tentunya kalkulasi otomatis ya, dengan kemudahan ini kami harap dapat membantu UKM untuk terus maju dan produktif di era pandemi covid corona virus ini, oke sekian dan terima kasih yes.. kalau mau donasi monggo.. donasi kalian akan membantu team dev kita untuk lebih aktiv lagi dalam pengembangan project open source code gratis free download 100% tentunya untuk menunjang bisnis dan usaha kamu.

Donasi untuk sebuah kopi dan rokok bagi team dev kami.
make a contribution by sharing our application with the world through your social media or voluntary donations to our account so we can give the best for you again.
Donate Now using moneygram or western union send money to we local bank account.
ACCOUNT NO : 0181884109
Donate Now


Oke on this update you can full work on cloud mode online with update data, delete and create new categories grouping, or register your products, on this update version you can see a diferent mode on display, yap.. axcorapos cloud app pos new version make your fast and easy for create and add new group or product with modal function, then you can fast for editing or delete the product .

for first you need to download or fork clone it, then you can open and extract all files then copy to your project folder, now you can create a new database mysql on localhost server or using cloud shared hosting, just login on your cpanel host, create new database and integrate new database with user . then open php myadmin and import axcoracashier.sql on source code project folder - you can visit on database/axcoracashier.sql import this database to your new mysql db.
now we need to accsess on source code folder folder, and we can configure connection on db_connect.php file just open and edit with your text editor, and configure connection with hosting, user, password and database. after this step you need to open functions.php and configure connection same like change on db_connect.php then save it.
After import mysql database, configure db_connect.php and functions.php now you can login and accsess on your web app. just visit where you install this project like on root or directori folder, and by default you can login with
username : axcora and password :axcorapos.
Hapy codding !!!
You need to know :
Point of sale touchscreen complete →
Full gallery source code free download →

Text Notes Update

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Aplikasi restoran cafe rumah makan super lengkap dengan kemampuan waiters , kitchen display, kasir dan admin dalam satu app integrasi website resto cafe rumah makan.

Explore Notes

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