23 Jan 2021
Build Website IOS APP APK android with ionic angular - free source code learn
Develope website ios App Apk android with ionic angular
Oke gaess,,., kali ini kita akan ngebahas mudah nya develope website dan app ios sama APK android cuma sekali aja makai ionic dan angular, dengan multi develope ini maka tentunya akan mempercepat pekerjaan mu yess... oke mari kita simak gundala putra petir berkicau..... let's get started.
Let's Learn about ionic feat angular how to build app ios apk android and website all in one using this framework, make simple and easy fast for develope your project.

bagaimana cara membuat aplikasi android dan ios apple maka kamu bisa menggunakan framework ini untuk bekerja yes.. in home area we have develope simple design, and you can modify with you needed.

About page you can change with your needed on about us page.yap buat kamu bisa ubah ubah sesuai kebutuhan ya untuk area halaman ini, supaya keren aja sih kita tambahain hal ini.

The you can upload video or photo gallery on gallery pages, pada menu ini kamu bisa embed kan video youtube dan foto foto kamu disini.

Code page is area list we open source code project edit this page with your own, ini adalah halaman kumpulan gratis download applikasi kami, kamu bisa ngerubah nya ya gaess sesuai kebutuhan kamu.

Contact Page is a display information about your contact, change with you needed. nah halaman ini kamu bisa rubah apapun bebas yes.. monggo dicoba...
For first we need to install third party apps
NPM Node you can download here →
After download you need to install just run installation, then you can open npm or open command prompt cmd on your pc dekstop, then run command node -v if your command prompt displaying node version so your installation is successfuly, if not you can check ENV enviroment variables,we must download this apps, you can download it on source forge or clone fork it on github.
Fork it github download here →
After download free source code ionic angular project, you can extract file and locate on your project folder, then you need to install ionic for run this apps, now we need npm for install it, just open command prompt again and run command : npm install -g @ionic/cli
and we need to install angular too.. so lets install with run command : npm install -g @angular/cli
Cara diatas adalah untuk melakukan installasi ionic secara global ke pc desktop dan laptop kamu supaya kamu nanti sudah tau cara nya bagaimana sih cara membuat app ios, apk android dan website dengan menggunakan ionic angular ini.
How to build on android device ?? read tutorial →
We know ionic is a new generation, but very easy to learn. this way why you need to learn ionic for help you to fast develope any project.
And if this framework successfully install on your pc desktop now you need to run in your project folder, or you can open npm then typing cd/your_project_folder , now we need to open and run this apps, you can run command : ionic serve
Then open on your localhost:8100 by default port for ionic.
And this project is live now you can edit source code file with your text editor like notepad++ or vscode.
If you need to deploy and run or install on android and ios you just need run a command :
First need build this apps with command :
ionic build --prod
For IOS apps
ionic cap add ios
and then
ionic cap open ios
For hot reload or live view
ionic capacitor run ios -l --external
For Build on Android APK
ionic cap add android
Then run
ionic cap open android
For hot reload or live view
ionic capacitor run android -l --external
Sometimes mayb you see eror on installation, but is oke you can using online codding just visit stackblitz.com then fork this repo and run this code online. nah kadang kadang pada beberapa kasus ada saja pc atau laptop yang gagal dalam melakukan installasi dan menjalankan nya, tapi kamu gak perlu kawatir gengss,, kita bisa coba code online editor untuk live dan belajar bagaimana sih membuat website plus aplikasi ios app dan android apk via ionic dan angular ini.
Or you can edit source code full file in here,yuk gas ken.. edit kode dibawah ini. just run it and hapy codding !!
And we have angular project you can download it on here. download now and be ng !!
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