08 Feb 2021
Free download react typescript simple router website template
react typescript simple router website template
Hello again,.,, now we learn react typescript with source code, you can free to download and change code and content with you needed, in this source code we just use simple router routing on react typescript. and of course with cool themes template too... you can use for develope and build your new modern website,let's get started
Baiklah kawan kawan gaes gaes sekalian ,kali ini kita mau buat router react ts dengan simple yes.. jadi monggo di unduh aja gratis download kok, nanti bisa kamu oprek sesuak hatimu deh..
Test demo before download Test Drive Now
We using dark mode again with purple color , a modern web app ready for you using .

Home page with card mode on.

Resposive accssess from mobile device.

No need wory we have develope with many page, so you can edited with you needed for develope your modern site, just download it and go online now..

When you click on product page so you can see product detailed.

Of course with mobile device view support, is awesome right...

Contact Page area display.
On this source code we concept is using three menu : home page, product , and contact page. Then if click on product so web app open product details, and many product we have develope just for learn react typescript with simple router routing modules. you can download and upload on your host for deploy your site, but before upload and run on your host, you need to edit all article with your product and contact and other .
Nah pada kali ini kalian akan menang banyak deh... kenapa karena pada source code gratis ini uda tersedia banyak page yang ngemudahin kamu untuk membuat website terbaru dan modern dengan react typsecript makin keren gak tuh.... tinggal ikut langkah langkah nya aja deh,, dan kamu bisa mempelajari via kode kode yang ada , dan edit aja deh oprek oprek sambil menyelam minum air ya gak sih... nah misal kamu ada project mesin kasir, aplikasi kasir toko restoran dan pembuatan website technology terbaru team kita siap sedia ya gaes.. jadi tinggal kontak hubungi team kami via contact pada footer ya..
How to install ?? you need to download node first just download node in here , and you need to install react globaly just open your shell terminal node npm and run command npm install -g cli-react
for installing react global on your device.
Here we go live source code, you can edit or fork it..
And then of course you need to download this source code, you can download via github or sourceforge. just download it and extract on your project folder. then run npm i && npm start
and you can visit localhost:3000 for accssess your new modern web app build with react typescript.
Download source code now
Github download
You can edit all page and article just open on src folder then edit Pages.tsx , edit with your text editor, and learn react how to create web app using react with simple routing router modules.
And if you need to develope and design your website with react or angular you can call we team .