How to create ANdroid APK with react webview

Build and create APK android using react

Hello again.. on this source code project we have develope single page app website for create android APK using react . just simple for build and create your android APK with react. we know if android is a leader on OS in the world because many user using this OS, and for this we must have android APK right, so.. if you need simple android apk you can using react js , of course for first we need to build modern web app single page apps. and then we can use new modern web app for featch to APK.

Don't wory we share a source code file so you can download and install it, then edit code with your needed, after edit all code and your website app is ready to deploy, you can online your site using github pages and heroku vercel or firebase, after your website is live now we can use site page for build android APK.

Oke kawan kawan man teman... kali ini kita akan berbagi kasih,, ceile... berbagi kode maksudnya,, gratis bisa kamu download untuk kebutuhan bagaimana sih membuat APK android dengan mudah dan cepat, maka untuk kebutuhan terbaik kita bisa membangun nya dengan berbagai technology sih sebenernya, cuma paling cepat ya pakai webview ini, dimana APK android sama dengan website mu versi mobile gaes.. jadi lebih keren dong sekali bangun website sudah include APK, dari pada capek capek ngebuat APK sendiri ama buat web sendiri kan mendingan cari ini lebih cepet n simple bukan,, sebenarnya ada banyak cara cuma kamu wajib menguasai berbagai bahasa mobile apps, seperti flutter dart, ionic cordova dan banyak lagi deh... nah khusus nya web developer pasti puyeng ye kan.. dari pada belajar bahasa baru pengen cepet ya webview menjadi alternatif untuk pembuatan APK android mu.

Before we start you can visit web app we have build for android APK just visit in here

or you can download APK and install on your smartphone download here..Download APK
Or test drive using we APK premium with dark mode visit here
download APK premium and install on your smartphone download here..Download APK

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How to  create ANdroid APK with react webview

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How to  create ANdroid APK with react webview

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How to  create ANdroid APK with react webview

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How to  create ANdroid APK with react webview

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How to  create ANdroid APK with react webview

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Now for first we need to download node npm just download in here →, after download install on your device, then open shell terminal cmd and run node -v then press enter, if your shell terminal dispaying node version, congrats now node is installed on your pc, and we need to installing react just open shell terminal node cmd then run command npm i react-g.

After all installation success now you need to download this source code , you can download on github or sourceforge.
Download on Github

After download success you need extract on your project folder just copy all files on your project folder, then open shell terminal npm cmd and run command npm install, then you need run source code with run npm start, visit localhost:3000 on your web browser, and now your single page website for build android APK is ready for use, just change all code and content on page and product folder with you needed.

If you have finish change code and content with your own, now you need to upload your new modern web app on host, just register and create account on github and heroku vercel or use firebase. Create new repo on github then name it with your project and then you need push all source code on github repo, just follow command from github , you can push using gitbash or npm for gitbash just right click then run command this
git init
git add .
git commit -m "first commit"
git branch -M main
git remote add origin
git push -u origin main

And all your source code is ready on github, next you need to register on heroku, create new app, then integration or connect with your github repo and deploy... congratulations, now you new modern web app is ready for build APK android webview.

Now how to build android APK ?? of course you need to download android APK first, download android apk free in here →
After download install it, then you need to create a AVD for test your APK or you can build and share on your phone for install your android APK,just run build APK. for how to build and create webview APK read documentation in here →

We hope you can create and develope new modern Android APK and website app using react. hapy codding...

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Text Notes Update

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Explore Notes

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