21 Feb 2021
Restoran website template themes react web apps free download with source code gratis
React Restaurant website template web app
Need website using react so this project we have develope modern web app using react , we restaurant apps themes template you can download it is free gratis, full source code you can modify with you needed, develope using react feat bootstrap for responsive display make blast fast and modern website with this apps, let's get started now.
React lagi sodara sodara.... kenapa react lagi bos ku ?? soalnya cepet 🤣😜. dibandingin dari pada develope make angular hayoo.. hehe.. cuma lagi pingin aja sih, dan banyak permintaan untuk tema template themes react website gratis ini. tema yang diusung adalah salah satu web app restoran kami , jadi kamu bisa unduh dan ubah kode sesuai kebutuhan mu ya, mudah banget kok gaes.. yuk gas ken gaesss......
Need demo before donwload ?? Test drive now →
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How to install this Restoran website template themes react web apps free download with source code gratis?? for first you need to install node npm download in here →, then installed , after installation successfuly now you can download this source code project, you can download on sourceforge or fork clone repo form github.
Download Github
After install node and npm you need install react globaly using node just open shell terminal then run command npm i react-g
Oke here we go display template themes

Home page display area

Feature list display page area

Post page article

Another page area

Gallery Page area

Demo page area
Oke now we need to install source code right, after all third party successfully installed on your device, like node npm, react , then this source code, now we ready to install source code, just open download folder and extract on your folder project, then we need install this apps, so you can open node shell terminal npm or cmd and run npm install && npm start
. Now you can visit localhost:3000 on your web browser. and your new web app modern is live now.
Of course you can edit anything with you wan like content article post page blog and more... how to edit this source code ?? you need text editor like notepad++ or vs code , then open on src folder and edit all files in here with you needed. and save it.. or you can use we live source code online and edit your own in here.
And if you finish edit and change all code with your own, now you can upload your new web app modern and live , for first you need to register and create account on github , gitlab , bitbucket, then you need to register for host and deploy on heroku / vercel or firebase. create new repo on github and name it repo with your project, and push source code on github repo, just follow github push instruction and you can push repo on github,after push source code success now we need to integration your github gitlab repo with heroku or vercel, just create new project app and name it with your site, then connect with repo.. and viola... your website is live now...
ANd if you need web app website modern include point of sale application just call we team for infromation details, let's build your modern web app with us.
Contibution with donation for support our team dev make other source code for the world.
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