16 Feb 2021
New modern react website template themes free download with source code full
React website resto template themes free download
And react again... free download source code gratis full version with react website resto template themes, on this source code we have develop web app again using react. simple and unique style , you can change any code with your own, just download and edit with you needed
Dan wan kawan kali ini kita mau kasih nih gratis template themes react buat belajar react mayan lah ya,, dan tentunya temanya keren simple unik menarik pokoknya deh, kamu bisa gonta ganti kode sesuka hatimu asal om om senang katanya 😆.
Test demo before download test drive
On this web app we develope with animation, make unique in design and luxury with animation efect, and of course including blog content article you can build and create a content in this react blog, a features with home page area, contact page, demo page, mobile demo page, desktop demo page, and blog article automaticly generate content and url. And we use react helmet for SEO so, lets get started now build new modern website including SEO with this source code free download gratis.😎
Oke man teman, kali ini kita ngebuild nya dengan animasi efek jadi makin keren deh kamu bisa rasain tiap akses per halaman nya makin oke punya tuh, dengan animasi efek, dengan ini bisa memberikan kesan mewah dan menarik tentunya yak... nah dari pada penasaran mendingan langsung download aja , dan kemduian ikuti petunjuk kite yes..
You can download it from sourceforge or fork clone from github repo
ANd you can see this New modern react website template themes free download with source code full display

Home page area with full button fuction and animation , modern web apps develope using react.

Responsive display with mobile view accsess. very cool right....🥳

Content blog article page display on single page.

Video embeded page you can easy for embed video from youtube.

Blog page from mobile view.

Contact Page area.
Oke now how to run and install it this themes template ?? of course for first you need to download node becasue we are run this apps using node, download node →
After download node you can install it, and then open your command prompt shell terminal and run node -v
if shell terminal displaying node version congratulation now node is installed on your device, and then we need to install react globaly , so open npm again and run command npm i react-global
Open this New modern react website template themes free download with source code full file and extract on your project folder, then run with node npm npm install
, after installatio success now you can run this web app with run command npm start
and open your localhost:3000 on web browser , viola.... now your new modern website build with react is live and ready for develop.
You can change anything code and content with your needed, and check we live online source code, you can fork it or edit in we live codding online here.
How work or change on this web app ?? you need to open this project folderm then you can visit on src folder for change themes, for create and edit contet blog article you can visit on slug, open with your text editor like notepad or vscode and change anything with your needed.
After finish for edit display and content with your own, now you need to upload this code on your repo and host , you can using heroku and github, so just register and create your new account, then you need create new repo on github just click + icon or create new repo, then name repo with your own, after create repo you can follow from github procedure how to push your project on repo. after push repo now you can open on heroku dashboard , create new app project,name it with your site example.herokuapp.com, then configure and connected with your github repo, deploy it.. and your new modern website is live now..
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