NEW React SEO Website blog free download source code

NEW React SEO Website blog free download source code

Hello... again... on this post article we have develope a React website blog with SEO and of course incude source code you can download it free for develope new modern website using react framework. using helmet or seo make your site fast and powerfull , clean and fresh design .

Need a demo before download ?? Test Drive Now β†’

Oke wan kawan kali ini kita mau bagiin nih sebuah web app gratis untuk mu, dibangun menggunakan kerangka kerja react semakin mantab gak tuh, dan tentu aja sudah ada helmet untuk kamu berpergian dengan aman agar tidak di prit oleh polisi lalu lintas yak 🀣 . yap pada kode gratis yang bisa kamu unduh ini, semakin memudahkan mu untuk proses pembuatan website dengan SEO power pokok nya untuk optimasi pembuatan website kamu, apa sih yang menarik ?? kamu tinggal fokus pada konten aja dan nanti nya SEO ini akan otomatis generate sendiri, makin keren gak tuh 😎. oke lanjuttt... kita dansa dengan react πŸ€ΈπŸΌβ€β™€οΈ.

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This source code is version 2 new update from Version 1 see here β†’

On this source code you just need to insert an article page, and SEO helmet is automaticly generate title, description, facebook card, twitter card automaticly with fetch your title and description, with automatic generate SEO make easy for just create and write content page.

React SEO template themes website free download source code full

Just wrote article and publish it, then you no need worry about seo , because using helmet we can handling meta tag for seo automaticly, so just focus and write content πŸ‘ŠπŸ» .
Nah dengan react helmet ini akan membantu kamu untuk full SEO yak.. disini makin memudahkan mu untuk fokus tulis menulis dan corat coret article mu aja.

React SEO template themes website free download source code full

You can see... we have rendering automaticly your title description in here, dan wan kawan disini kalian bisa liat tu secara kita uda ngebuatin mudahnya implementasi untuk kebutuhan website full SEO yes..

Oke you need know about design , on this NEW React SEO Website blog free download source code we have develope using a bootstrap πŸ”₯ why bootstrap, because bootstrap make fast for build modern website with responsive display and of course this is a modern popular framework. here we go homepage display

react website template new with seo

All you content displaying in here, we have develope with blogging design so you just need to write post on ArticleContent.js file and save a code, automaticly your homepage area displaying all article you wrote.
jadi pada halaman utama ini akan menampilikan semua post kamu disini, cukup isi artikel kamu dan boom... seluruh artikel mu akan di load pada halaman beranda ini.

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And we use animation efect on this page , like color efect on article where visitor selected post, and scale down on content page .
Agar lebih keren lagi maka kita buatin nih animasi supaya gak kaku ya.. jadi ada pada halaman utama ini uda tersedia animasi down efek pada saat akses halaman utama ini dan warna post bewarna ketika dipilih pengunjung.

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And here we go a article page, we develope using animation with slide on right , for create article you just need to insert content page, title where displaying on header, then insert URL image for displaying image content, then description and article content , and of course meta tag SEO automatic with helmet.
Jadi gaes gaes.. disini ini kamu tinggal isikan artikel kamu nanti akan otomatis tampilan nya jadi seperti pada post artikle ini, dan otomatis juga untuk SEO mengambil pengisian judul dan deskripsi dari post kamu, makin mudah kan..

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Inspect element render SEO you can see this work right..

Now how to using this NEW React SEO Website blog free download source code ?? for first you need download this source code file on sourceforge or you can clone fork it from github , just download it now.


After download this free source code you need to download node for run this web apps, so you can download node in here β†’ , install node on your local device then make sure node is successfully installed on your device, open shell terminal command prompt then run node -v if node displaying a version congratulation now node is ready for use,then we need to installation react globaly , just run command again npm i react-globally .

Now open your this source code download folder copy all files and extract or paste on your project folder, then we need to run installation with command npm install if installation success you can run this web app with command npm start then open localhost:3000 and congratulation now your NEW React SEO Website blog free download source code ready for use.

for change and edit article you just need to edit on ArticleContent.js file then edit with text editor, you can using notepad++ or vscode, or other. and now you ready for using this react website SEO for build modern website using react, now how to upload it on your host >> for first you need to register and create and account on heroku , then register on github, create new repo on github and upload all file on your new repo , just following command how to push on github repo. and open heroku dashboard and connect your github repo with your project in heroku, click add new, name it with your own, then integration or click connect with github repo, and deploy it... wait for moment... and congratulation now your website is ready live πŸ‘πŸ».

Don't forget to change meta facebook and twitter card on SinglePage.js files.

If you need to learn with live source code you can fork this online source code, just edit with you needed in here then save it.

Text Notes Update

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Explore Notes

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