25 Feb 2021
Unicentapos online web app apk android all in one free download source code full
New Unicenta pos Online revolutions
Update new Unicenta All in one desktop software + website application + APK android click in here →
The new revolutions of Clasic point of sale old school integrated with new framework angular and android APK .yess.. a popular pos free download source code integration with popular modern framework this is a new generation of unicenta opos. make blast fast for monitoring detail report on your store shop and restaurant too...

We know if this free pos software download or program very powerfull and complete for supporting your bussiness. fork from open bravo pos using full touchscreen make this software very popular in the world, many shop and restaurant using this program, support all hardware pos like receipt print , barcode scanner, barcode printer , cash drawer and more.
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and at this time of course we know a lot of the latest technology and it is faster in development, the era of openness and technology madness is present in the current generation, hereby all make it easier for us to work and continue to collaborate to create the best in the world of open source code.
We realize they already have web reporting themselves, but only premium members can use it, that's why we created this open source project, of course with the need to check reports that are as simple as the need to help you be more mobile by using the online system.
Just want to hone skills and learn about advanced technology, so we chose Angular as the framework, this is because of the speed with which it is used for this web app project, and of course it requires integration of the unincentapos mysql cloud database. With this collaboration it will make it more perfect for the backoffice needs of the web app admin dashboard, to easily check reports via various devices used both Android iPhone to laptops and various other OSes, and we believe this is the best and inexpensive solution for the development of a modern New Unicenta web app online.
Due to the needs of many users who need an Android APK, we have also developed this web application coupled with the Android unicentapos APK that you can download for free for your needs, all for open source development needs to be more updated with the latest technology.

The schemes and concepts in the development of this open source code, we hope that online and collaboration with various technologies will be able to make this pos software even better, with angular for its page load speed needs, and mysql as an intermediary API for databased cloud, Android APK for easy access directly from your android smartphone. All in one we have deployed for touch the world and of course for supporting your business. and this all is free you can download it.
Here we go... a display backoffice dashboard for unicenta online web app include android APK

Home menu page you can click features for see report detailed in here.

User list , and you can check all user, group categories too.. just click on menu.

Cost Price report list.

Sell price list details.

Cash flow or sale list details.

Close cash report.
Or you can test drive just click demo in here Test Demo
On this web app dashboard office unicenta opos online cloud include with documentation how to install and work with this apps. and of course you can use and test android APK on source code to.. just donwload APK android and install on your android smartphone then you can work with unicentapos online.
How to install ??
For first you need to download unicenta , then you need to create mysql cloud databased , if you need to develope and installed on online mode, if you try to install on local server you need to download XAMPP →, then install and run apache include mysql db php myadmin. after pos software work fine, now you need to download this source code, you can download on sourceforge or fork clone it from github.
After download source code , now you need to work with node or npm just download in here →, install node , now we need to download angular just open node shell terminal or cmd and run command npm install -g @angular/cli
for install angular globaly on your device, then create new folder on C:/xampp/htdocs name it with your project, run and activated XAMPP server, open localhost/phpmyadmin create new mysql database then open unicenta pos software and you need to install new mysql db, automaticly program install new db,create new folder and name it with your project folder on C:/xampp/htdocs/ , then open we source code download file and extract all file on your project folder .
Or play video how to install here
Now we need to configure database on connection folder , change all database and user with your db and user phpmyadmin , then save. after configure database with your db and use too, now we ready to install and run this web app, open shell terminal npm or cmd again, then run command cd C:/Xampp/htdocs/projectfolder
after shell terminal change directori we need to install and run thiw web apps, just run command npm install && ng serve --o
Yeah... new generation unicenta pos is ready for use , open localhost:4200 on web browser.. viola.. your dashboard backoffice admin is live now.
Oke now how to deploy it on host ?? for first you need to create clouds mysql database on shared cloud host then open unicentapos and create new and integration with your new mysql db , then you need upload angular source code on static host , just register on github / gitlab or bitbucket, then create new repo in here, and push we source code on your repo, you can follow how to push repo on github documentation,after finished upload and push on repo, now you need register on heroku or vercel , just register then create new apps, and connect with your github account, select repo and deploy it... viola... now your web app is ready online, congratulations..
Donation and buy me a coffee
make a contribution by sharing our application with the world through your social media or voluntary donations to our account so we can give the best for you again.
Donate Now using moneygram or western union send money to we local bank account.
ACCOUNT NO : 0181884109
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Other web app version for unicenta and chromispos just click in here →
For point of sale complete set, you can click on header menu, then select menu with you needed, you can see all we product and service in premium version.
And we have angular project you can download it on here. download now and be ng !!
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