19 May 2021
New Source code pos free download gratis aplikasi kasir toko
Cool POS New Source code point of sale apps
Free download full source code pos gratis aplikasi toko kasir inventori stok
Holy smokeee....... what da **** new generation pos app with cool design.. yeah...🤘 wohoo.... 😎
Hip hop style with dark mode, lets dance with this source code full free download gratis !!
Oh my... cool design on dark mode with inventori stock management including cashier point of sale and of course all report details. yeah.. call it cool pos, develope by axcora technology team, for help and supporting your bussiness.
Dan ya wan kawan man teman ini adalah solusi terbaik bagi kamu yang pengen mendapatkan aplikasi kasir toko gratis include dengan desain keren menawan kekinian pokoknya mantab punya kaka,, yap dengan sumber terbuka ini kamu bisa gunain dalam mendukung penuh aktifitas usaha kamu, dan tentunya gratis juga jadi kamu bisa memasangnya di komputer lokal untuk offline mode, atau ke cloud shared hosting kamu , agar menjadi online dan bisa di akses dari handphone android iphone sampai mesin kasir gratis kamu kaka.. so ikutin aja ya...
New sensation with art point of sale inventori management using cool pos web apps technology.

Make cool for your shop outlet store using this web apps, install on your pc dekstop using local server terminal xampp for offline mode.

Clouds online mode installation support, just upload on your shared clouds hostign and connected databased your mobile apps is ready for use.

Multi device connected with clouds base, you can accssess this apps on your pc desktop laptop, android iphone smartphone and other os your use.

Touch with art design with hip hop style on dark mode, you can see all features with hip hop dancer 👊

This new source code point of sale apps is free download with full source code, you can change any code with you needed. and buy me a coffee if you wan.. use money transfer like western union or moneygram and sent order to we bank account.
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First Installation
Offline mode desktop version :
For installation on desktop mode on your pc dekstop laptop or netbook for first you need install xampp for terminal server , you can download xampp in here →.
After download xampp you need to install xampp then click on config then check run apache and mysql automaticly save it. don't forget for start using this source code pos apps you must start or run xampp first.
oke after installation xampp is successfully now you need download this free download new source code pos apps, you can download on source forge or you can clone fork from we github repo. after download this source code you need to create new folder on your C:/xampp/htdocs name it your new folder with coolpos then open file download extarct on this folder.
Now we need to create databased on php myadmin, open web browser and visit localhost/phpmyadmin then click on database menu - create new database mysql input new database name with coolpos . then click on import - click folder and import coolpos mysql db on C:xamppp/htdocs/coolpos .
Now configure connection on C:xampp/htdocs/coolpos/include open and edit config.php configure with your username and password php myadmin, if you new install xampp just leave by default the database is configure automaticly with user name root.
And congratulations now have installed Cool POS New Source code point of sale apps free download gratis.
Online clouds installation :
You must have domain dan hosting before then you can download this source code pos apps, and upload on your public_html/coolpos you need accsess and login on cpanel host - file manager, then click on public_html and create new folder name it with coolpos and extract your download folder in here.
Back to cpanel menu open on mysql database menu create new database and name it with coolpos example like this userhost_coolpos . now back to cpanel menu, click on phpmyadmin, then clik on coolpos database and import menu, then import coolpos mysql database on download folder to your mysqldb.
After this step you need open file manager and open on public_html/coolpos/include then open and edit config.php change with your mysql and database password user name then save it, now your web app is ready for use.
Get Started POS Apps

After installation success now you can visit on your web browser for local server desktop offline mode you can accsess localhost/coolpos for online clouds mode you can accsess yourdomain.com/coolpos , then you can click on login for accsess this web apps. use by default you can login with username and password : admin.
Baik setelah proses installasi nya selesai kini bisa akses deh di web browser dimana kamu install ya misalnya di pc lokal offline mode ya kamu mesti makai localhost/coolpos kalau di web hosting tinggal akses nama domain mu dan .coolpos untuk akses web app ini, nanti kamu tinggal klik login aja ya dan masukin user pass dengan admin.

After login this web apps you can accsess home page dashboard . for first work with this web apps we need to create and register all databased, just click database menu on header nav .
Nah setelah login nantinya kamu akan lihat menu diatas itu ya kaka, jadi disini kita bisa akses semua menu untuk bekerja dengan cepat menggunakan aplikasi toko online gratis free download ini.

After click on database menu you can see all database features,like account, user, gallery image , group categories product ,and your product. you can click account first if you create a user account.
Selanjutnya kebutuhan awal tentu kita sangat perlu untuk register dan mendaftarkan semu data data kita disini mulai dari pengguna dan hak akses untuk login app kamu, gambar foto media, dan barang yang akan kamu jual wajib dimasukan ke master data ini agar nanti waktu penjualan kita tinggal manggil aja ya.

Click on account then you can create new user account on this menu, then save for save data. untuk pengguna kita bisa klik dan buat baru di menu ini,isikan data dan simpan.

Then for create new user for login this apps you can click on menu user then input data user with you needed, and select account for this user and save it.

You can upload all image product on gallery media just click on media on database menu, then click upload and select all image product you need to upload.
Lanjutin kita bisa unggah semua gambar foto barang produk untuk kita jual disini ya, nantinya supaya nanti waktu pembuatan data produk enak kita tinggal sinkronasikan saja.

For grouping product by categories you can accssess and click on group menu then create all categories group product with you needed, example food , drink , and others.
Fitur grup ini berguna untuk mengelompokan barang produk jual agar lebih rapi dan memudahkan dalam pencarian pos kasir nantinya.

After finished create all group categories now you can accsess on database and click on product then input and insert all product id in here, you can like product name, categories group , qty stock, cost , sell price and select image for product, then save it.
Dan saat yang di tunggu ini , kini saatnya kita masukin semua deh produk barang kita pada menu ini, isikan nama, dan masukan grup berdasarkan jenis barang kamu, lalu masukan jumlah persediaan barang, harga modal beli dan harga jual serta integrasikan sama foto gambar produk barang agar lebih keren yes...

And after all product include inventori stock qty and data you have input, now you can use point of sale features for create new transaction , just click on pos menu then click on seacrh product menu , input name product enter. and change qty for sell with your own, and click save for save point of sale cashier transaction.
Nah setelah semua selesai kini kita bisa deh gunain untuk melakukan transaksi kasir penjualan dengan mudah dan cepat nya, tinggal masukan dikolom searching nama produk dan tekan enter nanti nya akan muncul barang yang akan ditransaksi kan, selanjutnya tinggal ubah jumlah pesanan dan klik simpan untuk menyimpan data transaksi ini ya.

After all transaction now you can check income profit and all report details on report menu, just click on report then select report what you needed.
Dan setelah semua nya kita bisa masuk ke menu laporan untuk cek laporan laporan detail mulai dari laporan laporan detail persediaan barang dan pendapatan pemasukan tokomu.

For income detail you can check on sale report list, report by periode or report by day, report by moonth and more..
untuk cek laporan pendapatan kamu bisa masuk dan memilih berdasarkan periode transaksi sesuai kebutuhan kamu disini.

if you click report income details by periode you can print it if you needed.
dan tentunya kita bisa juga loh cetak laporan laporan detail ini untuk arsip juga.

Mobile pos apps is ready for use if you use clouds installation , with clouds installation you can accsess this web apps from anydevice .
Jika kamu menggunakan installasi via cloud dan shared hosting maka kamu sudah bisa menggunakan aplikasi ini dari samrtphone kamu loh baik android iphone dan lain nya, makin mantab gak tuh ngabbb....

And we hope this New Source code pos free download gratis aplikasi kasir toko can support and help your bussiness shop store outlet. and if you need to clouds with us using this web apps you can order we web app services with cheap price only $.55/Years including installtion and setting for your bussiness shop.
Other our Source code collection you can download in here → or need preimum web apps you can visit here →
Video tutorial
You can see this video tutorial how to get start with this source code pos apps.
Demo how to work with dekstop version
Video tutorial work with mobile apps.
Hapy codding.... If you need to develope website application integration with APK android application you can contact we team dev for best solutions.