22 May 2021
Restaurant POS source code free download gratis
Point of sale source code for restaurant apps
This is a open source code point of sale restaurant free download gratis for support and help your restaurant bussiness. develope by axcora technology team. you can call it bang resto, yap... bang resto is a brother of bang jago 😎🤣.
This source code is a full clouds mode, you can accsess and work with desktop pc or android iphone smartphone, very mobile for work with this apps.and of course this apps complete include with admin app , kitchen display app , mobile waiters apps all in one with bang resto.
You can see how this apps is very easy to work and supporting for your restaurant cafe bussiness. just play video and see how this app work.
Now with clouds installation you can accsess this web apps from any device , like android smartphone or iphone is compaitable with responsive display , just play video and watch how this apps very smooth work with your mobile phone.
Download now is free gratis 100% with full source code pos. you can download on sourceforge or fork clone our repo via github.
GithubPra installation requipment : you need to have clouds or shared hosting because this restaurant pos application work on cloud online mode, you can order host in your vendor and of course you need domain for deploy this web apps, or you can use we host service with cheap price including installation just only $.65USD with domain dot com and landing page website.
Upload on shared / cloud host : Download this source code then you need to login on cpanel host , after login on cpanel host open on mysql database and create new database name it with bangresto , then don't forget to change and connected with your user php myadmin host. check all privilage then save it, and back again on cpanel host click on php myadmin, then select your database etc : yourdomain_bangresto then click import database and select bangresto.sql file from database/donwload folder.
Configure connection : Oke after all success create database now we need to upload source code on your clouds shared host, login on cpanel , open file manager and select public_html folder , create new folder and name it with your apps if you need to install this apps on new folder, or if you need to install on root just upload on public html. then extract all files , now we need to configure database connection, just click on config.php and edit this file configure with your mysql database + user and password php myadmin host, and save it.
Wohooo.... congratulations now your web app is ready to work and supporting your restaurant cafe bussiness.
Need test drive on cloud ?? so you can visit this demo here Run Live Demo Apps
Let's get started - First Use

For first you need to login admin area just visit on your website browser and select admin, then login with username : admin and password : password by default.

Here is a login page area display
Admin Restaurant Apps

After login you can accsess dashboard admin area, you can see information on this page. and get started with select menu to work with this apps.

We recommended to you for create user staff first, so just click on user account staff and create new user with click icon + in here, and save it for update user data.

Now you need to register all food and drink menu in the menu's features, just click in menu then create your group menu etc : food drink and others,then you can create new food drink menu by group you have create before, just click add and insert menu name including sell price and save it for update data.

For check status and total bill customer payment you can see on status menu, just click on status menu now you can see all bill by customer order in here. very easy for make cashier transaction with status menu.

After all transaction on admin apps area you can check income details on profit income report menu, this menu for displaying all detail income by day,week , moonth and all.
Waiters Apps

After all data you have input on admin app now you and waiters staff can accsess on staff area,just back on homepage then select staff area, login with username : waiters and password waiters by default.

Waiters login page area display

On waiters app after login you can see order alert display for reminder customer order in this menu.

For create and note customer order you can click on menu, then select what customer order in here, for sent to kitchen you need to click sent to kitchen button, this will automaticly sent on kitchen display apps.

With clouds installation of course waiters can accsess and create order with android smartphone or iphone device. on scheme the waiters is very simple and fast for note customer order using this apps, then sent to kitchen for sent customer order.
Kitchen Apps

Now for accsess on kitchen you need login with kitchen apps and user kitchen, logout form waiters app, then back on homepage area then select staff menu.

Kitchen login page area display, you can login with username : kitchen and password : kitchen by default.

Same like waiters app on kitchen app after login you can see alert display order just reminder , then you can accsess display status for change and prepare customer order from waiters order app.

Now with kitchen apps very easy and fast to prepare customer order, then kitchen can change or update status order like prepare, or ready in here.
That's it.. very simple and complete work with this restaurant pos apps source code free download gratis.
You can contribute on this source code with share this apps on social media or others , you can create donation for we develeoper team if you wan, with your donation you have help we developer team to create and build a web app again for the world.
We hope our source code can help and supporting your restaurant cafe bussiness, and if you need to develope modern website integration with restaurant application you can order we premium apps, just click in here and select your apps →
And now we have development premium version of bang resto ?? what a new and special is on premium version include with accounting , kitchen display , counter display screen , waiters and cashier , integration with website online order shop restaurant cafe. get ready now - complete and easy work with bang resto premium version.Get Premium Version