04 Jun 2021
New Portfolio website template themes free download gratis
Free download protfolio website template
Hello... again..... on this time wee have a deploy and share source code for free download gratis website template themes with concept portfolio website. on this themes template is ready with your youtube video, photoggraphy gallery art, soundcloud and others, you can change anything with your own.
Full source code template themes for you, you can deploy it free on firebase you can have domain firebaseapp.com , github feat heroku free domain herokuapp.com or you can use vercel for host and run this website, the best way may you can use netlify for easy to upload and live your site .
Yo my man,,, buat yang butuh nih portfolio website untuk ngebangun dan buat website keren kamu, maka kamu bisa gunaain source code gratis ini untuk dikembangkan, dengan desain keren plus animasi semakin keren untuk memajang kerja seni kamu disini, banyak fitur yang tersedia, dan dengan mudah nya nih kamu bisa ubah dan obrak abrik kodding nya sesuai kebutuhan mu, wenak gak tuh.. sikat......
Wana test demo how work with this free download template themes just click on demo button
Test Drive →.
we use dark mode themes for make cool your portfolio website , including many features and sidebar nav menu.

For first you must download this source code website template gratis, then extract on your project folder, then we need to download node npm → for install angular globaly on your device, because we have develope new modern site using angular framework, oke just download and install node, and for make easy for development we recommended to you for download git →. oke let's download and install all requipment.
After download node now you need to install angular globaly on your device. open node or you can click on windows logo then type cmd - now you need to run npm install -g @angular/cli
for install angular globaly on your device. after installation success , open your project folder where you save source code, now we work with git, just right click then select git bash here and run command npm install
wait for installation success, then you can open and run with ng serve --open
and viola... your site is live now..
For alternative and solution for work and automaticly hot reload you can work with stackblitz , with using this online live code editor you can save source code on clouds then you can integrate with your repo or firebase host. and of course with using this step all your code is save on clouds.
Change code with you need.. now how to change any article or photo gallery ?? for first make sure you have know bout html lang for edit code, open on app folder, in here you can change anycode for displaying your site. check we live source code in bottom.
We hope our source code New Portfolio website template themes free download gratis helps you build a new modern website portfolio with a modern website one page application using angular framework. and if you are interested, you can make a donation to our account, with your contribution can make our passion to develop applications and website themes that are useful and used for the world.
Donate Now
And we have angular project you can download it on here. download now and be ng !!
- Angular Online shop
- Angular Blog Static
- Angular Blog with firebase database
- Build Mobile app with ionic angular
- Angular KIOS POS point of sale app
- Laravel Angular Blog cms
- Angular android APP
- Angular Cuteblog
- Angular Portfolio
- Angular MVC
- New modern angular astronot
New Point of sale mesin kasir →
All sourcecode project →