25 Nov 2021
Free download source code codeiginter web app
Codeigniter web app source code free download gratis
Hello world.... and hello again... after we have develope a laravel and symfony node js project,now we have an source code for you... yeah.. with codeiginter framework, of course you can download it free.. so let's get started now for learn code iginiter, or you can us this project for develope modern web app.
How about design and display cool right... and in this project we using bootstrap absolutley and tailwind too for make better web app design themes template, with landing page clean design ,make your site very elegant . sound good right..
baiklah wan kawan man teman pada proyek sumber terbuka kali ini kita mau ngebagiin nih.. sebuah tema untuk ngebuat situs mu makin kece dan beken.. yupp... makai berbagai css tentunya agar makin cantik jelita kaka... so pada penasaran tampilan nya ye kan.. yuk cek aja...
Oke before download this source code maybe you need to see about a design page , so you can visit an demo here.
Test Drive Demo
Github Download
or you can clone it with run command
git clone https://github.com/mesinkasir/codeigniter-webapp.git

On home page area you can change any content image and video embed youtube absolutley with you needed. so in this page we have develope with five section page , like introduction , then section 2 information , and section 3 - 4 then contact page shortcut in footer. jadi man teman di sini di halaman beranda ini kalian liat ya.. disana ada beberapa area ya.. tujuan nya apa sih?? ya supaya memudahkan kalian untuk ngebagi informasi berdasarkan kategori misalnya. jadi begitu klik di kategori itu akan masuk deh ke laman informasi nya.

Selanjutnya halaman about page yang berisi informasi mengenai servis jasa layanan dan produk yang kamu jual. hampir sama dengan laman beranda juga disini kita ngedesain nya masih landing page ya,supaya lebih jelas gitu deh untuk display informasi situs kamu.
and on about page or services pages area we develope same with home page area, yeah.. using a landing page for make your information detail for visitor and your customer.

The you can see this area you can use for blog page or product page with you needed, then on this area you can displaying your all product or blog article in here.
jadi man teman di halaman ini kalian bisa isi ya dengan produk atau artikel kamu untuk memberikan informasi kepada pengunjung situs kamu gitu maksud nya kaka...

Then after click on article so a design page like this, you can embed a video form your youtube chanel in this area, and of course include with cover area page image, just change an url image cover or embed video with you needed , jadi man teman disini adalah laman yang setelah klik pada salah satu artikel nantinya tampilan nya seperti ini yes.. disini ada video media, banner dan lain sebagai nya yang juga bisa kamu ganti dan customise dengan kebutuhan kamu.

In menu sidebar area when your web visitor click on other page so this project will diplaying like this, litle diferent design with article page , jadi di halaman ini ketika pengunjung webiste kamu klik pada salah satu menu maka nantinya ada salah satu laman yang ditampilkan seperti gambar diatas ya...

And now when visitor click on contact page so this Free download source code codeiginter web app will contact menu with cover image and other your information, jadi ada laman kontak juga ya nantinya supaya ada info gitu mengenai bagaimana menghubungi kalian gitu sih konsep nya.
Oke now how to install this source code project, oke for first we need to use composer , so you can download composer here →
Install composer on your device, then after installation finish now you can open comand prompt or shell terminal, just click windows logo and typing cmd , and now you can run
composer -v
if shell terminal displaying composer version congratulations now you have successfuly install composer on your device, oke now we need to run this project right, for first you can create new folder on desktop then name it with codeiginterweb then open shell terminal and run this command cd C:\Users\pcname\Desktop\codeiginterweb
change pcname with your pc name, oke... now we need to install this source code project so you can run command composer install
. then wait for installation finish, after finish you can run with php spark serve
and then open your web broswer and visit localhost:8080 , once again congratulation now you have run this source code project on your local device, then of course you need code editor for editing so download visual code studio here →And change content image or video with you needed using code editor.
Get start to codding my man...
on Free download source code codeiginter web app we not use databased , why we not installation db on this source code because we need to develope and build modern webiste for fast without db. yeah.. we create an static web app using codeiginter. with no db installation so this step is very helpfull for make your site fast without loading an db .
Cloud and online your website
Oke after you have finish edit and change code with you needed, now you can uploading on your web hosting, for first of course you need have hosting and domain, or you can order domain and host on your provider hosting , then you can visit on cpanel host with your username and password. and we have multiple choice for installation this project for first if you need installing on root folder for example you need to website is displaying yourweb.com , so you can installing on public_html folder, open project folder and convert to zip file, then upload on public_html folder, after upload success now you can extract file in here. and now you can accssess your site with yourweb.com/public.
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Oke now if you need to installing on directori folder for example you need to accsessing web with dir yourweb.com/codeiginter so you can create a new folder first on public_html file manager cpanel hosting , then name it your project folder for your domain, then upload zip file and extract file on your folder, then you can visit yourweb.com/codeigniter for example.
And now if you need to installing on your sub domain so you can create subdomain first , and name it subdomain with you own,and open subdomain folder and upload zip file then extract project folder on subdomain . congratulation now you can accssess sub.yourwebsite.com/public.
oke we hope this Free download source code codeiginter web app can help you for build fast web app using codeiginter. and see ya in next source code project.
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