05 Dec 2021
Laravel Website CMS Source Code full gratis download free
Lablog new laravel CMS with sqlite database and SEO
Helo world.. and helloo again.... so guys... on this article we share about source code project so you can download it for free gratis my man.. yeah... we have develope an modern web app with sqlite databases, so with this db we not need to configure mysql databases right, sqlite is a slim blast and fast for db so with integration with this db make your website app super fast and powerfull on SEO .
Baiklah wan kawan man teman pada kali ini kita akan ngebagiin nih gratis pakek banget dan tentunya kamu bisa oprek sepuas mu, yap ini adalah sebuah content management system alias aplikasi pembuatan website yang bertujuan untuk ngebantu kamu membuat situs secara gratis dengan app ini, tentunya kamu lebih dulu harus punya hosting dan domain ya.. yuk intip aja deh gimana tampilan nya sih....
Call this project with lablog. what is this ?? lablog is laravel blog cms so with this source code you can installing with smooth and easy for make or build your website, no need wory about installation because on this article you can following the installation procedure. yeah.. lablog built using laravel and vuejs too.. a concept for this project for help you to build an simple website and blog using this project. so let's see about a design page.

Homepage area frontend with cover image, title and description, content article , section for displaying your information for your website visitor. jadi man teman di halaman ini kalian bisa dengan mudah untuk merubah segala nya, tujuan nya untuk memberikan informasi mengenai situs kamu ya..

About page information for dispaying info about your website, with cover image, title, and description content information too... and of course you can change this article with your own on dashboard admin web app .

Blog page for inform update article your site, on this area we have develope with navigation page , so your visitor can read all your article with click on next page. very simple right.. include with title, description, content and upload your cover image too..

Then contact page for contact information, you can input a phone number, whatsapp , company name, address, and link google map on this area.
Jadi wan kawan dan man teman dengan kode sumber terbuka ini harapan kami agar kalian dapat menggunakan nya dan bermanfaat khusus nya dalam pembuatan website modern mu dengan laravel secara gratis, dengan kemudahan yang diberikan dan simple serta ada nya beberapa fitur halaman jadi cms blog ini pun sangat cocok deh untuk membantu kamu dalam proses deploy situs modern kamu yess... ada halaman beranda, tentang, kontak, dan blog artikel tentunya. semua sudah ready dengan backend admin web app bekerja dengan mudah nya via aplikasi pembuatan website ini sendiri ya.dari pada panjang kali lebar kali tinggi mendingan ikutin yuk petunjuk penggunaan dan installasi awal nya apa saja yang diperlukan dalam membuat website dengan cms laravel ini, sebut dia dengan lablog.
Download Project and run Demo
Before download maybe you need to test drive demo , so click here for demo :Run Demo Mode
For login user email [email protected] and password : 12345678
For first you need to download this source code on our github repo, just download now.
Github Download
or you can clone this repo using shell terminal with run
git clone https://github.com/mesinkasir/Lablog.git
Third Party Apps Installation
So before we run this project for first we need downloading all requipment, so you can download it then install before use and run web app project.With integrated with vuejs so we need to download node for installing vue , Node download → . run installation and now you can check node version with open your shell terminal or command prompt then run
node -v
, and of course we need to check npm version to so you can run command npm -v
if your shell terminal displaying version apps, it means node is success installing on your device. oke after node and npm now we need to installing composer so you can download composer → , just run installation and if installation success now we can check what composer version you have installting , open shell termnial or command prompt then run
composer -v
if shell terminal displaying a composer version, congratulations now you have success installing composer on your device. And the end we need to install laravel globaly , so we can using composer for do this, just open command prompt then run command
composer global require laravel/installer
this is for installing laravel global on your machine devices. after installtion success now we need to download source code project so you can download then create new folder on desktop and name it with lablog, then you can extract all download files folder to lablog folder.Jadi nya nih wan kawan man teman ada beberapa alasan kenapa kita ngegunain sqlite ?? tentu saja karna ringan super enteng dan pastinya wus wus cepet banget ye kan... ini tentu sangat membantu untuk optimasi situs kita, kita tau lah google seneng ama yang namanya web sper ngacir , nah karena ini lah kita makai database tersebut, selain ringan anti lemot juga super duper stabil khusus nya untuk digunakan bloging platform maupun untuk website informasi yes..
Open source code Lablog folder on desktop ,then you can open database folder, you can see database.zip folder in here, just extract and paste database.sqlite from source code zip file to database folder.
Super.... now we need to configuration sqlite databases, so you can open lablog folder file on desktop , then you can create a copy .env.example and name it with .env file on this lablog folder,then we need to configure a sqlite database,so you can delete all this code
Then change with this code
just need to change pcname with your pc name , then save the file with ctrl + s.
Now open your shell terminal or command prompt then we need to accsess this folder using terminal , so you can run this command
cd C:\Users\yourpcname\Desktop\Lablog
just change yourpcname with your pc name, then we can run installation for installing sourcecode laravel apps, just run this command composer update
.Allright now we can run
php artisan serve
for run this lablog new laravel cms blog source code full free download gratis , then you can localhost:8000 on web browser. viola.. your website is successfully install and run your local devices.
Sound good.... now we need to change all article and content with you needed, so let's get started now...
Use Mysqli databased
if you wan to develope cms blog with mysql databased so for first you need download xampp → ,install xampp server and you need to start apache web server + mysql on xampp. oke now you need to create a database on php my admin so you can visit localhost:phpmyadmin , then create a new database, name it with lablog , and save it.
now we back to source code folder on this folder , change configuration on .env file change from
to this code
oke now you can use git bash or shell terminal command prompt on Lablog folder then run this command
composer install
- after installation success now we need to migrate database to mysql so you can run php artisan migrate
and now we need to insert database to mysql db run command php artisan db:seed
, oke all database is ready to use now we need to key for laravel app security so you can run php artisan key:generate
. then you can run this web app your local server with run php artisan serve
visit on localhost:8000 now your website is live.
Work with lablog laravel CMS Blog
Oke after installation success now we can work with this content management system blogging platform built with laravel, so for first you need to accsess admin area, you can visit on your web browser and open localhost:8000/login for visit a login page.
Login page area, on this page you can input email and password, so by default you can use email : [email protected] and password : 12345678. then click logon, you can change email and password default with your email and password later on user account area.

Dashboard web admin - after login we can accsess on dashboard area web app admin, on this page you can visit navbar header menu or click get start for visit page area to create article, change any content page and others.

Page area - if you click on get start button you will redirect on page area, so on this page you can update home page , about page, contact page , or create new article blog . just click on menu page what you need to change or update.

Update home page - for update home page you can click on home page area then you will visit on update home page , now in here you can change title, description and change cover image , section with your own . so change all then save it for update home page area.

Update about page - if you need to change about page so you can visit on page menu then click about page button , now you will visit on about page area, on this page you can change title, cover image, description and change content with you neeeded. then save it for update about page area .

Blog page list article - so if you need to create article page you can visit on blog page area , on this menu you can see all your content blog you have create is displaying in this area. you can update with click on edit button , delete with click delete button or you can create a new article for create new blog content.

Update blog article - if you wana to update article blog or create new so you can press button edit or create new, then lablog will displaying article content form, so you can insert a title , description, upload your image cover and input an article content blog in here, then save it for publishing your article content blog.

User account - oke after we have create and update home page, about page, contact page and create new article blog, so you can visit on user account for change email and password for security reason. on this page you can create new user account , delete it or update account with your email and password.

Loging out - oke after all we have work and you need to log out so you can click on user menu , then click log out for sign out from lablog apps.
this is a source code full you can download and change anycode with you needed. this project for help you to build modern website using laravel with content management system, then with sqlite database make your website super fast stable and SEO. oke now we need to configure SEO right.. so follow this step for optimation your website.

So for optimation your seo page we need to change title and description, so you can open lablog folder then visit on resources/view/site folder then you can open homepage.blade.php with code editor then change title and description on this page, after change title and description you can save it. for update your seo. and of course you need to change title and description to all page like about and blog page for optimation your SEO.don't forget to save it.
After success change all now you can insert a google html tag, so you need to register your website on google web master then copy google tag html and you can insert this code on , resources/view/layout/app.blade.php then paste the code on top html template and save it. congratulation now your modern site is supporting with SEO.
Upload and Make Website Online
Oke if you have change all content article and image with you needed, now you can cloud your web app on cloud or shared hosting, for first you need to have hosting and domain, or you can order on cloud hosting and domain provider for buy domain name and host, then you can visit on control panel hosting.
extract and zip your source code project then login on your control panel hosting with your account, then you can install a modern website on subdomain, root , or subfolder. this is an example for installing using subdomain so you can visit your site with subdomain.yourdomain.com , and if you installing on root so you can visit yourdomain.com and if you installing on subfolder so you can accsess website with yourdomain.com/subfolder. so you can install your website with available options.
Installation root domain with www.domain.com - login on your cpanel account then click on file manager, visit on public_html folder and upload sourcecode project web in here, extarct folder, and now you need to copy all public folder paste on root folder.
Installation on sub domain, for first you need to create a new sudomain on your cpanel hosting, just visit on subdomain and create your new subdomain, after create subdomain now you can visit on subdomain folder, and upload your website source code on this folder then extract all .
Installation on subfolder , for installing on subfolder you can create a new folder and name it with you needed, then open this folder and upload your web project .zip file in here, then extract all files.
Now we need to configure public folder so follow this step.
Need to change index.php files search code
require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php'
change or replace with require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php'
now visit on bottom and change $app = require_once __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/app.php'
with this code $app = require_once __DIR__.'/bootstrap/app.php'
and save.After all configure we have successfully create and upload source code project on cloud shared hosting, now we need to configure sqlite database on hosting, so you can visit your web project then open .env file with code editor, now we need to change from
to your hosting account for example likt this For root domain :
change useraccount with your user account hosting.
For subfolder :
change useraccount with your user account hosting , and change lablog with your sub directori folder.
For subdomain :
change useraccount with your user account hosting , and change lablog with your sub domain name folder.
That's it and now yout site is online now.. congratulation you have finished build and develope modern website using laravel the php artisan.
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With sqlite make your website very fast on cloud mode, so if you need to build a website with laravel and mysql databased or you need to build website using laravel for static site so you can download we source code project. we have develope many source code project using laravel , absolutley you can download it free,for help and support your bussiness..
List Laravel Project source code full free download gratis.
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Download all our source code project and let's learn about laravel the php artisan.