Super landing page bulma vue themes template website - gratis free download

Super landing page free website template themes

Free download source code full gratis download website themes template super landing page build and develope with bulma include vue , make your website unique with this themes.

And of course you can editing all code and change all content with your needed, simple and very easy to change anycode because in this free download website template themes landing page we work with html file, so you can change all code with your own.

Features : Navbar including scroll on menu navigation product or content, then you can insert link to your blogs for information details, or link to youtube video and other with your needed.

Oke kaka kaka kali ini kita mau bagiin gratis nih tema template dengan project super landing page, tema ini dulu nya digunakan sama salah satu situs kita, karean disuruh ganti ama pak bos, ya terpaksa deh kita ganti , bukan cuma ganti tema doang sih, tapi juga framework maka kini ini template themes uda free bisa kamu download gratis dan bisa digunakan untuk build project site kamu yang membutuhkan website informatif dengan tema ini, super panjang banget dan cocok digunain untuk produk dan marketing, 1 halaman doang sih tapi yang nama nya super ya super banget ye kan...

Download this source code for vue version 2 you can download it from sourceforge or clone fork it on github.


What da smokee.... super landing page make your website very unique and handling just only on one page for all information with scrolling navbar, awesomee.. for SEO google rights..

Download this source code for vue version 3 you can download it from sourceforge or clone fork it on github.


Test Drive before download Test Demo

Now how to download and install it ?? for first of course you need to download node npm just download node in here → , after download you can install it, then you can check node version for make sure node is installed in your device with run command node -v then shell terminal is displaying your node version, and congratulation now you can using npm node for all activation.

Here we go super landing page display

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Home page display
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Example product section
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Example another section.
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Display content and icon
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Antoher display

Now how to install this template themes ?? of course you need to download source code and then install on your device, using node npm shell terminal. open your project folder then run using node npm shell and run command npm install for installing , after installation success now you can open and visit this web app super landing page vue feat bulma with run command npm run serve , then open localhost:8080 on your web browser.. and viola... now your modern super landing page is live.

You can edit all code with you needed for content you can edit on src folder then open and edit app.vue with your text editor , you can using notepad++ or vscode. then change all with you needed.

If you have finished editing and change all code with you needed, now you can publish your site on your host, for first you need build this web app just run using node npm shell terminal then run command npm run build . and now you need to register on github or gitlab / bitbucket for push this code on your repo, just register and then create new repo name it with your own, and follow procedur for upload or push on your repo

Open npm shell terminal and configure on your project folder , example project folder on desktop so you need to congfigure and run command like this cd C:\Users\username\desktop\project then you need following command from git for example like this code.

echo "#" >>
git init
git add
git commit -m "first commit"
git branch -M main
git remote add origin

Change blue text with your user name and repo

And congratulation now your repo project is successfully upload, and now we need to host your repo, just register on heroku / vercel or you can host with firebase google,now you need to create apps, just click create new - new app - name it with your app / webiste name, after register now you need to integration or connect your repo with this host, just click connect on heroku if you using heroku host, then click deploy,wait progress deploying... then your site is live now.. just visit with your and of course you can change domain with your domain example or others.

We hope with this Super landing page bulma vue themes template website - gratis free download helping you for develope new modern website and learn vue.

If you need other we source code project you can visit here →

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Here we go live source code you can edit this code and fork it , click on this source code online now and build your site.

Text Notes Update

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